have you ever had “the one that got away” and what was it like

  1. Yep, had her put the lotion on and everything.
    Problem was the pit in my basement wasn’t deep enough

  2. I have about 2000-3000 dollars laying around and looking into investing in early 2020. I read up deepfuckingvalue’s post on $gme on wallstreetbets. I contemplated in Yolo in but it’s too much of meme stock to me so I instead bought into inverse sp500 etf lost almost half of my portfolio when the ~~stock bounced back~~ fucking fed print started money.

    I would have 100k in the bank..


    GME t.t

  3. It was like someone shone a light on me that made me start realizing I have real POS traits. Made me take a look at myself. Then like I could never make up for it enough. And I didn’t want to really. It’s honestly still a sore spot. Like 12 years later.

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