I met a guy during the summer. The connection was there, so we decided to start dating. I feel good in his company, he’s funny, nice, he has his own apartament, he has hobbies, he works at the office and he likes his job very much, he’s in therapy and overall I noticed a lot of green flags.

But there’s one thing that threw me off SO HARD – his dirty fingernails.

I just cringed so bad when I saw them. I started questioning this relationship and his personal hygiene. The worst part is – when I noticed it I bringed it up as softly as I could, but still. I don’t want to sound dramatic, but personally, I would DIE if someone pointed out something like this to me. I would 100% prefered being ghosted. But he still wants to see me.

On the one hand – the cringe kinda ruined him for me and I don’t know what to do. Having good personal hygiene is the basic standard. On the other hand, he’s such a cool, lighthearted guy and I feel so bad that I put him in this embarassing position. I was probably being too honest. I don’t want to hurt him.

Anyway, I feel so bad, I couldn’t sleep last night, lol. Would you break up with someone over dirty fingernails? Or am I crazy? What would you do?


P.S. Please don’t hate me.

  1. This scarcity mindset lots of people seem to have is out of control! Wake up woman! Theres a million guys who you’ll like who can wash their ass. Why are you doing this to yourself? Said with love.

  2. How did he react when you brought up his fingernails? Tbh taking criticism well is a far more important green flag than fingernail hygiene. Especially if this was a one time thing, cut the man some slack he probably just had some housework to do before the date. Longer term he’s probably happy to pay a bit more attention to that since it’s important to you.

  3. why you gotta judge the dumbest stuff he got dirty finger nails he probably work his ass off but why can’t you just love or accept him for him you wouldn’t liked if he judge you over little things so why do you do it to him just love him and accept him for him

  4. What is his job and hobbies? I am a mechanic and do woodwork and household repairs as a hobby. Some days even 30 min with a scrub brush doesnt make my fingers and nails look clean. That doesnt mean I havent cleaned them. If it is that much of a red flag then maybe you should only date pretty boys that work in an office and dont have any interests that involve dirt of any kind?

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