What makes a person a failure?

  1. I don’t think in terms of absolute success or failure. A person may have failed at x or y, but that doesn’t make them a failure as a person. I equally don’t see people as being successful as a person. They might be successful in their career or sport, but they could still be failing in other aspects of their life. I know it’s semantics, but I think it’s an important distinction to make.

  2. Giving up on there personal goals in life, it doesn’t matter if you fail the first time or even second.

    Has long as you don’t give up and accomplish whatever goals you have.

  3. People are not failures. You can fail at something, but it doesn’t make you a failure.

  4. Nothing. Failure is a human construct in this world we’ve created for ourselves.

    All that is really required of anyone is that they exist.

  5. Stop trying to learn, do better, learn, connect, support and basically live?

  6. Someone who doesn’t try to do better at all, then complains about how their life isn’t great. Refusing to acknowledge faults.

  7. Yep I don’t think people are failures, people make mistakes life is hard. And who calls them failure? Who is anyone to judge. I think that is the failure to judge people

  8. I don’t think there is something that makes someone a failure, there isn’t one single thing that would define it (at least I can’t think of a specific one). The thing is learning from what you did wrong, admitting that you were wrong and making it differently the next time. Not “learning” the actions will be repeated until mistakes are corrected

  9. Not living authentically and sacrificing who you are for a life you don’t actually want (exception if it’s literally dangerous to fully be yourself in your culture)

  10. Someone who just gives up.

    My sister had to take her driving test multiple times because she was getting to worked up over the exam portion and would psych herself out. I think she took it 5-6 times before finally passing it. She never gave up, even though she felt like a failure. We were all really proud that she kept trying. Even the staff at the DMV. They told her she would get answers right on the new test that she got wrong on the previous AND vice versa! She was literally stressing herself out so much.

  11. A lazy person or someone that has no drive to progress their current state or situation.

  12. It’s more acting like a failure than having failures that makes a person a failure. Imo.

  13. Failure is a healthy part of learning, growing, and experimentation. The only people I would call “failures” are people who are hopelessly devoted to bad things in life. Toxic, mean, and/or petty things. Someone who avoids earnest introspection and looks for easy ways around the hard work it takes to improve oneself, and especially someone who leans on denigration as a means of superficial self-improvement. You can feel good about yourself by looking for the worst in others, or you can improve yourself more tangibly by exercising, creating things, learning, being productive, etc. I find the biggest losers are those who really need other people to be losers for their own sake, who can’t tell seeming from being, and who put their energy into tearing down others instead of confronting themselves and their limitations.

  14. when they can’t make decisions or have any idea where their future is headed

  15. Nothing, every person is successful in their own way. The definition of success is so flexible that what you see as a failure is someone else’s great success.

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