Unfortunately, I missed out on my teenage and young adult years and I’ve never had a girlfriend. So if I were to be serious and finally jump in now, it would be limited regardless. This isn’t 19, where the opportunities are endless. Sadly, I won’t know what that young puppy love is like. I am in the mindset of I will take what I can find. Cause it’s better than nothing. I could always date younger, but that can be heavily scrutinized. I’m willing to bite my tongue for as long as I have to.

I have an okay job. I am an okay cook. I have my own place (I moved out finally at 26). I know it’s bad for a dude for a person to move out at 26. That’s just bad. You’re supposed to move out at 18. But it is what it is. I wish I could have had the college experience. The college experience is the best years of your life for a reason.

I just want to know from others if I really do have options. Do I have really good options at all? I also have given thought of just accepting that woman will never exist and knowing me, I don’t know if it’ll end well. I’ve been thinking this since I woke at noon. Went to a rave last night and it was fun. A little hungover, but I don’t regret it one bit. I decided a long time ago that once I get into the single mom crowd, that’s when I’ll allow myself to quit because I don’t want to dive into a child that’s not mine. At 27, I feel that crowd getting closer.

I am thinking this because I’m tired of being the oddball. The late bloomer. It’s something you don’t want to be labeled in society. It’s not okay to be a late bloomer. Being a late bloomer limits your options everyone. To the early bloomers, be grateful.

If all fails, I’ll just keep raving for as long my body lets me and I can always become a dedicated dog owner until I die of old age.

TL;DR 27(M) just wondering how limited my dating pool is.

  1. You have a huge dating pool. You can easily date as young as 23 without anyone questioning too young.

    I met my wife at 28 and we dated for a few years.

    Also dating single moms is completely up to the individual but remember that it you might be missing out on amazing people.

  2. Very large. You’re dating pool isn’t really going to narrow until you’re 35 and then it’s still really big.

  3. Ok dude, I get how you are feeling. I didn’t start my first real relationship until my late twenties and I also felt awful about missing out on the best years of my life.

    But the thing is, I was completely wrong and so are you. College is often not the best years of a person’s life. The dating pool at 19 is not endless. In fact it’s restrictive.

    As you get older your options increase every year. At 19 you are looking at dating women 18-24 give or take. If you follow the 1/2 age + 7 rule then at 30 you could be dating women between 22 and 40 or so.

    So then you may argue that everyone is taken at 30, but the truth is a lot of people are getting out of their first long term relationship at that age and are looking to not make the same mistakes a second time.

    You talked about not wanting to date women with kids and yeah as you get older more people around your age have children, but I also wasn’t interested in children and it wasn’t an issue.

    So you are probably going to be fine and in a decade or two you will be responding to someone’s reddit post like this 😉.

    But I would also say that the amazing advice from Arnold Schwarzenegger applies here. If you really want something then decide that and work on it every day. Start working out, eat right, keep yourself groomed, and then get on the apps or whatever and put yourself out there.

    When you are older, you will be glad you did. Good luck. You got this my man.

  4. You seem to have a lot of preconceived notions and a closed mind…You’re 27, your dating pool is huge but if you strict to only a certain sect of parameters, it’ll be zero…

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