I didnt make friends last year in college and im scared of socialising , i need to make friends this year but im just afraid that i will get rejected. What can i do to overcome this fear?

1 comment
  1. Well, just know that you’re probably not the only one feeling this and there are tons of others at your school that feel the same way. So hopefully that’s somewhat comforting. In terms of friends, first thing’s first is be patient. It’ll take several interactions for people to feel comfortable and build a friendship with you. If you’re come off as too eager in those early interactions, it’ll be off-putting – no one likes people who are super needy. So just remember to take your time getting to know people.

    Join an interesting club or something that’s either around something you actually are into or is something new that you want to check out. Clubs and similar things where people meet regularly are perfect for meeting friends. People naturally create relationships simply because they see you frequently and are accustomed to you.

    Last piece of advice is try not to be too invested in people unless they seem equally invested. Invest your interest proportionate to how often they hang out with you and how invested they seem in you. If they aren’t super invested in you, that’s ok, be friendly whenever you see them, but if you’re not very invested them you won’t feel as disappointed if they don’t want to hangout or something.

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