A girl that used to have a major crush texted my boyfriend a red heart on his birthday. They work together and talk probably every day. In the past she talked poorly of me to him on multiple occasions and he finally spoke up not that long ago about how that’s rude and he’s happy with me. Every time he would tell me about it I would get upset but there was finally a time that I said why aren’t you standing up for me and continuously being friends with her he finally stood up to her. He kind of does this thing with his friends where he lets them have one too many chances. He holds his friends to very high standard in his life which I understand but when somebody’s continuously disrespecting you and your relationship and your partner I feel like I would’ve said goodbye to the friend a while ago. So he’s still friends with her and says it’s at a distance on his end but they talk every day and I don’t think she sees that distance or respects it. She recently has been being nice about me to him because we recently went through a pet loss and so she was asking about me and trying to give advice on our medical stuff with our pet but I just looked at that as a pity thing and that she was more concerned about his feelings.

  1. Talk with your partner more about setting boundaries with his friend. Ways that you could compromise to become more comfortable with their friendship. But also tell him when he doesn’t stand up for you that is him disrespecting you. If he says nothing that seems like he is agreeing.

  2. Your BF isn’t doing anything sketchy, so what’s the issue?
    If you want him to more-aggressively shut her down, make sure it’s a decision
    you both discuss first and agree on, because –depending on a lot of factors
    that your BF may know better than you– it can get messy after, and simply
    ignoring her more-retarded shit is the safer course of action.

  3. I think people are missing the point here. It’s not the heart, it’s the fact that this person has talked shit about you repeatedly. I would not put up with ANYONE speaking poorly of my boyfriend, male or female. Once, they get a warning to stop. Twice, they get a serious “what the fuck dude?” conversation. Three strikes and you’re out. I have no time for people who don’t respect my partner.

    Talking every day is not “distance.” There’s barely anyone I text with every single day other than my boyfriend. It doesn’t matter how close she thinks they are or wants them to be, it matters that your boyfriend is showing her through his actions of continuing to talk to her all the time that she can disrespect you and it’s not a dealbreaker for him.

    This would honestly be a line in the sand for me. My boyfriend has a best friend who is female and I have never had any issues with partners having friends of any gender because that’s healthy and normal, but my boyfriend’s best friend has NEVER said anything but kind things about me and our relationship and they have clear platonic boundaries, just as I do with my male friends. I would say that if she does cross that line again and say something unkind about you, I’d tell him that you would feel disrespected if he maintains the friendship.

  4. Nah, you can’t be friends with someone who has a crush on you whilst I’m a relationship. What they have is not platonic.

    The shit talking you, flirting with him and him keeping her around is all disrespecting you and your bf ain’t doing shit.

    Whether or not you like it this is your relationship, personally I’d rather be single.

  5. I mean he’s trying his best but i understand your feelings. It’s still disrespectful towards you. If a friend would talk constantly bad about my partner i wouldn’t be friends with that Person anymore. Especially not when i know that she/he has a crush on me. Like i said it’s disrespectful

  6. A home wrecker can’t wreck a home that’s got closed doors. He needs to set boundaries with her. Considering the obvious disrespect to his relationship with you I am surprised associates or is friends with this person.

  7. he’s purposely entertaining her and they probably fool around at work. please open your eyes.

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