
It started well, I had met this person last week and this week decided to ask if they wanted to hang out via text. They said yes. Then I listed a few ideas and they said they’d be good with anything. So I replied with “cool, me too, you decide”. YEAH. I realized how stupid that was like 30 seconds after I sent it, but they read it. And left me on read because fuck that’s a bad reply. I should have gone with “cool, should we do x then? When are you free?” or something along those lines.

How do I save this?

Also. My professor send me an email last week that my bachelor’s thesis topic got accepted and that “we’d get back to it”. I have been instructed not to send too many emails as a lot of professors get up to 200+ emails a day. So do I reply to that, if yes, how? I’m meeting her this Thursday, so should I just acknowledge the email before the class? She doesn’t like me a lot if that matters and it’s a small class for the thesis people so only 6 including me.

Thank you for helping me!

1 comment
  1. Yup just text back as if those past few texts didn’t happen. “Let’s go to x. I’m free at these times – any of them work for you?”

    As for the email – no need to reply. Doesn’t look like there’s anything needed from your end to warrant a response given that they don’t want you to send unneeded emails. Just let her know before class just to let her know you read it, but leave it at that.

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