Earlier this week this girl (21) my boyfriend and I (22) used to go to school with reached out to my boyfriend through DM, telling him she had feelings for him before. What’s funny is that this person ignored my partner throughout the time in high school, she never got to know him but she knew of him. Now she’s telling my boyfriend she used to have this huge crush on him and goes and follows him on instagram after. My boyfriend let me know he let her know already that he doesn’t care and that he has a girlfriend. Maybe I’m overthinking it but idk if I believe that he told her he has a girlfriend. I still notice he looks her up on instagram from time to time and he keeps telling me that I can message her if I don’t believe that nothing happened(idk why i’d need to do that)

I wish it had stopped here but she keeps bothering, she posted several tweets talking about me(Cant help but to keep looking at her profile, she is really attractive) “Hope him and lil ugly are happy.” “Just saw the girl he chose instead of me LMAOO.” I don’t know if I should mention this to my boyfriend either, I feel like I should confront her and tell her something.

TL;DR: a girl dmed my bf being flirty and I can’t get myself to stop thinking about it, I think maybe confrontation would help

  1. I think your boyfriend has to be the one to put a stop to it. I feel like she already dislikes you, so she wouldn’t listen to you anyways. She seem to be the type of girl with no empathy because she is constantly trying to flirt with someone with a girlfriend already. Would she really try to understand someone she disliked?

    I think you should communicate your feelings to your boyfriend. You cant control what your boyfriend does but you can suggest things you can do with him that might help you feel less anxious. I think you should also block her on social media because her toxicity isn’t going to be good for your mental health.

  2. Noooo lmao. Ignore her, both of you should block her and just get on with your lives

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