Using an alt account as my friends, family (and her) know my usual username.

Also sorry for the length, but after getting started, words came pouring out.

We’ve been together for around a year and a half now and things have been going mostly well since then. Things started to get worst when she moved in with me. First, she used to live pretty far from where I stay right now, so she’s far from her family. That and the fact that she hates the neighbors make it so that she hates living here. I agree with her on most negative points about the apartment, except that it’s super cheap. Like almost half the price of anywhere else for the same size.

She had a burnout before we met and has since then been diagnosed as unable to work. She gets some income from the gov. (Woooo Canada!) So I’m the only one working and as such am paying most of the things. I pay rent, internet and electricity while she pays for the food. I have no issue with this since I was paying all of those alone before she moved in and they haven’t gone up because of it. I would’ve assumed that she’d help a bit more with the chores to compensate the fact that she can’t pay “her half” of everything.

The main problem here, is that most days she doesn’t even have the energy to get out of bed and be a human being. The combination of her burnout, depression, anxiety and high function autism make a cocktail that saps her of most of her motivation. She sometime has good days where she can compensate and do more around the apartment, but those are usually followed by 1-2 days of sleeping in and doing nothing.

I’ve been trying to keep the living space clean for both our sakes, but with work and all, I can’t really keep up if she does nothing. To top it off, she doesn’t do nothing, she uses lots of dishes and leaves them everywhere, same with random garbage. I try to minimise my use of dishes (drink in the same glass for a while if it’s only water, eat directly in the dish if it’s the last part etc.) but at some point if she eats the same snack 3 times in a day and takes a new fork/spoon/plate everytime, not much I can do.

I have already talked about this with her. She feels bad about her behavior, but blames her mental health for all of it. She says she’s trying to get better (she did make some progress, but not that much), but I’m not convinced. We also talked about the issues she has about our relationship, which I already knew about but haven’t been really able to make much changes toward; she really wants to have kids (so do I, but it’s not top priority) and with her age, she feels like we’re running out of time. But she also doesn’t wanna have kids while living in an apartment and/or without the income to take care of them correctly. I agree with all of this, but having all those responsibilities put on me alone (since she doesn’t work and shows no sign of getting better) doesn’t sit well with me. I won’t kill myself working just to have kids. I do work towards making more money (changed jobs, giving my all to get promotions) but I can’t magically make it happen.

All in all, I feel like I’m the only one trying to get better and move towards our (her?) goals. I know it’s not easy for her and that she does feel very bad about not being able to help. I don’t really want to push too much as I feel that negative feedback would just make it worse.

Do you guys think this is even salvageable or should I simply cut my losses and end it instead of losing both our time?

TLDR: My (27M) girlfriend (30F) and I have been together for 1 year and a half. Her dream is to have kids, but since her mental health stops her from working and doing chores, I don’t think I want to have kids with her unless she gets better. Should I safe our time and stop things here or is this salvageable?

1 comment
  1. i think she is able to make an effort at least regarding the dishes. if she uses not being well as an excuse for everything, it might get really tough for you. Plus, is it really a great idea having kids with someone who clearly is struggling with herself and isn’t able to work ?

    If you do break up with her, i suggest you to do it very gently as she seems fragile.

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