I’m into men like 35-42. I will admit the men I’m into in that age range seem attractive, like I think the average “7” in that age range is a 10, whereas a “7” my age is a 5. I dated a 37 year old recently and I loved the experience. I thought he was not only interesting, but super sexy and I was turned on by the age gap because I’m a bit submissive. Wondering how I can meet men in this age range? Would most be willing to date a woman my age? At 28, I feel like I’m not that young and I have plenty of older friends. I live in a place similar to the Bay Area where it’s more common to be single/childless than the general US. How would most men in this age range feel about dating someone my age?

  1. i’m not sure where to seek that age range out specifically, but men around that age have been more than willing to date/sleep with me (i’m 21). you should have no issue, especially being even closer to their age and maturity level. don’t worry so much!

  2. Pretty sure men in that age range would be into dating someone a bit younger. It’s not like you’re 20 or something.

  3. M39 here. No issues at all with 28. I guess it might depend a bit on your and their relationship goals but I think in the vast majority of situations they are gonna be just fine with that.

    Under 25 it gets a little dicey for me. It’s not that it can’t work but the age gap might be more apparent in interactions. There’s always exceptions as one of my partners now is 23, and she’s more mature and relatable to me than some of the women I meet my age.

  4. Yep. Anything past 25 is fair game as long as there are no creepy power dynamics. I’m 36 and will date 26-46

  5. I feel like between 25 and 55 age doesn’t matter all that much for dating and hookups.

  6. Probably they would have no issue with that. As a 38 year old I would not go below 26 because below that age the gap would be to large in my opinion.

  7. That’s not that much of an age gap tbh. If you were 18 and they were that age, I can see more guys being not okay with it, but, when I was 18, I hooked up with a 45 year old guy who said “you’re not too young for me” when I expressed to him this very concern

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