I like this dude and i think he’s cute. i knew of him back in 2012 and i just stumbled on his public instagram account (he posts videos of his guitar/piano solos) and wanna ask him out. 1) idk how and 2) do men like it when women ask them out especially if its by sliding into the dm.

i also dont know if he’s single. so far i have not seen signs of a girlfriend/so because only dudes comment on his posts but i could be wrong.

and no i dont think he remembers me because it was a long time ago i’d sent him a fb friend request, he replied, we talked a couple times thats it. didnt go anywhere bc i was still in alevels back then and he was in uni.

suggestions on how to ask him out without looking like a creep. i have zero experience in asking people out. never asked anyone out before.

  1. As long as you are sure he doesn’t have a girlfriend. Do you have any mutual friends who could help you find out?

  2. Honestly… no, I don’t like it, if it’s right away. It’s too much too quickly, especially if I hardly know her. It’s fine to slide in to start a chat. If I’m actually interested and want to meet, I’ll flirt back and build rapport to see if I’d like to go on a date (and if I don’t reply or don’t flirt back, that’s a signal too).

    But more than a few times it’s been jumping straight into the deep end—whether that’s asking out or even just “I’d like to get to know you better”—without any idea of who this woman is. Puts way too much pressure on and often disrupts whatever dating I’ve already been doing at the time.

  3. If you don’t mind a middle aged divorced dude weighing in, half of men love it! It sounds like he would be cool to the idea. DM him and ask “Hey, do you remember me?” Ask other benign questions and mention where you are in life.

    The next DM ask “Are you married or are you in love?”

    You’ll find a lot of people don’t like asking if they are dating, but asking if they are in love makes everyone smile.

    Then ask “would you like to meet in person for…” And feel free to say you find him cute.

    Its less common for men to be asked out, so it is very flattering.

    Good luck!

  4. Dude here and I’d love it if a girl did that. Even if I wasn’t interested it would still be very flattering

  5. Sure. I’m okay with it if it’s someone I know or a friend of a friend, or their profile looks legit. The problem is a lot of scammers send me DMs, so I’m on guard.

    Recently a woman who ghosted me years ago, sent me a DM on IG. We went out, but for reasons I won’t get into, I didn’t like her.

  6. Yes, we like it. It doesn’t mean that he’ll say yes but it will definitely make his day. Go for it

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