It’s been a month since our break up. Two weeks before he was retweeting posts that hinted he’s seeing someone else, he also uploaded a ss where he’s casually flirting with someone. When I asked him about it, he said it’s just casual flirting it doesn’t mean anything. For context, two days before this incident he told me he still loves me.

Anyway I wasn’t mad at him cause we did break up and him moving on wouldn’t be a wrong thing to do, but I did ask him multiple times and he made me feel crazy for thinking that he’s moving on. Cut to 2 days back, he texts me he’s started seeing someone. And yes, it’s the same girl he was flirting with “casually”.

I have mixed emotions. I know I shouldn’t be mad about it, he didn’t do anything wrong per se. But God, just the lying about it when I asked him isn’t sitting well with him. And the fact that he moved on within weeks of our break up hurts me too.

Tl;dr: my ex moved on with the girl he said he was only casually flirting with.

  1. Every one when they break up tells everyone that they are totally fine and ok, many go over the top trying to demonstrate that they are totally normal and that they are feeling better than ever.

    Those types of partners who didnt want to break up and they weren’t the one who made the decision to break up and desperately want to get back together- They are the ones who both try and pretend that everything is okay, that they don’t even want to get back together with their ex partner and that they aren’t bothered and have moved on already and they do this by tagging themselves at every public location to make it appear that they are out and about getting in with their lives, they will be walking home from picking up a Chinese takeaway for one person (themselves) but as they pass the nightclub next door to the Chinese takeaway, well then they tag themselves at being at the nightclub when actually they aren’t there, they are just passing it on the way home from picking up their Chinese for one.
    They also post random statuses that they can’t wait until later they evening to see that special person…normally followed with a ‘you know who you are’

    It’s all smoke and mirrors to try and get their ex partner jealous and in the hope that they coming running back to them

    I wouldn’t believe a word that he says OP and some strong advice for you……cut ALL contact with him if you have broken up with each other, even if it was on good acrimonious terms. You won’t be able to break up with him otherwise because you will and him more so will be in constant contact with you and whilst that is the case you can’t break up properly and you will prolong your breakup by several months and you will also have to deal wi th this kind of emotional bollox

  2. I relate painfully with what you’ve going through and had an experience similar to this a week ago. If you’re trying to heal, what I’ve done is use friends as support systems and convince myself that I’m better off now. Your emotions are valid. He lied to you, moved on very quickly, and made you feel like you were crazy; what he did is extremely scummy and a red flag.

  3. There is a reason he is your ex. Take comfort that you can move on too with someone better.

  4. For some reason you too broke up.

    He may love you but he’s not in love with you(unless you dumped him).

    Now he’s with someone else.

    *or he’s a dog* and it’s a good thing you two broke up(if he dumped you).

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