So I have this thing with a chick. We’re not officially boyfriend and girlfriend, but we’re getting there. Anyway, she has Bipolar Personality Disorder so there’s a lot of ups and downs.

About 2 and a half weeks ago, she all of a sudden became very anti-social and barely texted me back. She explained why and I’m very understanding, so I didn’t think much of it. She has these episodes sometimes so it’s honestly not a big deal.

However, she barely text me back (only once a day) because she’s not doing too good. BUT I can see her snap score rising by about 30-ish a day. So she’s clearly talking to someone else. I’m not a control freak, I don’t care if she talks to anyone else. However, it annoys me that she clearly ignores me or choose to reply to me only once a day.

Am I just acting crazy here? Like, I’m an overthinker and I can’t stop thinking about this. I kind of take it personally. What should I do? Do I just wait it out or do I ask her about it? I’d love some tips here!

  1. You might just have to ask or wait it out, try not to assume things, just wait and see where it goes. If you really need to know, asking is all you can do.

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