What are the stereotypical challenges that each gender faces when dating, either OLD or IRL?

I’m interested to hear your thoughts and hopefully this can help us understand each other better!

  1. Men are filtered out and auto-rejected due to things that aren’t their fault and they can’t change: height, frame size, hair, etc. Women are not nearly as affected by that. For literally any type of body, face, hair that a woman has, there is a large amount of men out there that prefer her over other women

  2. This might be a hot take but…both genders piss and moan about how hard it is to date for them constantly, and that’s their real problem. You wanna know why no one likes you? It’s your shit attitude, and your tendency to blame everything on everyone else.

    What men and women respectively face when dating is completely fucking irrelevant. All that matters are your personal challenges, and those of the person you’re dating.

    Half of this useless sub is people asking when things are acceptable or if men or women like this or that.

    Fuck that. Men don’t matter. Women don’t matter. The only person that matters is your date.

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