1. Kidnapp attempt by multiple gunmen on me and my mom when I was 5
2. I almost drown to death twice at a lake when I was 10
3. Rottweiler bit me on my wrist centimeters away from my veins
4. Florida traffic for the past 2 years

  1. 1. Choked on a butterscotch candy when I was like 10. Nobody did the Heimlich, I just tried throwing up and it popped out.
    2. Almost drowned but luckily somehow swam into the shallow side of the pool.
    3. When I was a toddler I climbed on top of my play car, unlatched and unlocked the door and walked out our apartment. Mexican guy in our complex brought me back to my mom saying he saw me by myself and had seen me with my mom before so he knew which apartment to go to.

  2. 1. Had scheduled off work. That day someone forgot to lock out a machine that everyone had to work on and the machine got turned on. Thankfully noone got hurt, but when that machine is on it moves enough air to mimic a tornado, and everyone was inside it.

    2. At about 7 y/o. On my way home from virginia one year a tornado touched down about 1 mile behind us, and followed the freeway twards us. If we had taken 1 minute more to leave we would have seen that thing close up.

  3. > Florida traffic for the past 2 years

    Wussy. So we’ve got some FloridaMan and a lot of geriatrics on prescribed narcotics and their fourth martini. It’s still not Jakarta.

  4. Almost fell to my death in the marines fast roping out of a helicopter. My rifle swung forward got stuck on the rope slid up to my face and almost knocked my hands off the rope. I had my hands way above my head barely holding on. I was stuck with very little grip left when I got myself free and was able to get the rest of the way down safely.

  5. Rolled a go cart on the street, no helmet. High sided a motorcycle with helmet. Fell thru the attic above the garage, but caught myself. Had severe line twists on a parachute and had to pull the reserve. Fell down the top of a tree and got caught in the branches on the way down.

  6. As a young lad about 3 years old. I was at the ice cream truck waiting for my dad to come buy Ice Cream. He was walking slow so I darted across the road to go get him and a black car going around 35 mph flew behind me without pausing. My dad was so scared but yelled at me so hard and sent me away without Ice cream. Although i was mad at him then, as an adult, i realize i almost died in front of my father.

  7. I was on a motorbike with my dad and we were not wearing helmets. While turning on a t junction we got t boned by another motorbike trying to speed crazy fsst thru a redlight. We flew off the bikes and woke up a few mins later. Surprisingly we both felt normal and after the hospital check up showed we had zero injuries.

    Idk what force saved us but never rode without a helmet again.

  8. When I was a baby my parents booby trapped the house with rocking chairs. I fell off one and hit my head on a sliding glass door track. I also got my head stuck in one for like an hour and a half because the 13 year old babysitter locked herself out of the house.

    I almost got hit by a bus walking home from highschool.

    I was working at a retail store throwing away their old stuff when someone almost dropped a big display rack on me. Luckily my lightning quick reflexes kicked in and I blocked it with the shelf I was holding.

    I got into a car wreck 9 months ago. My SUV lost traction on the snow and I slid off the road and hit a tree on the driver’s side. The window took the brunt of the impact and the glass breaking tore my arm up really bad. I had to get like 16 or 17 stitches to barely hold everything together. I couldn’t bend my elbow for a month and I was picking glass out of my arm for 6.

  9. Driving fast in early 20s

    I’ve seen too many idiots in cars videos and car accident gore to realize that speed is a veerry bad idea

  10. Fell through the ice on a pond
    Put a fork in an electrical socket
    Held up at gunpoint
    Almost drowned in a pond (a different one) by swimming out too far. It’s true what they say, it’s very quiet
    I misjudged traffic and crossed traffic and almost got T-boned by a car going about 70 mph.

    4 lives to go, or 1. Not a cat.

  11. 1. “Someone” pointed a 45 at me from 2 steps away and fired, but missed. They scared themselves and dropped the pistol after the shot.

    2. A forklift rolled over on me, but I fit between the seat and the roof so nothing connected against the ground and my body

    3. I tried to swim 1 mile in open water while on lsd. I made it less than 200 yards from the boat, got out of breath, and began to struggling to keep my head above water. Still not sure how I made it to the buoy. Then my friends picked me up in the boat.

    4. Binging half ounces of coke 2-3 weekends a month for 3 years

  12. 1- gang related activities from 18-19 years old.

    2- self surgery to remove an abscess from the roof of my mouth

    3- my ex caused allot of stress

  13. I choked on an ice cream cone at Circuit City. I was off on my own and had to try to find my mom for help. I don’t eat ice cream cones anymore.

  14. I’ve got a good one. When I was 9 years old I had what’s called a pulmonary coarctation. An impingement of the aorta leading to the left side of my body which would ultimately cause severe complications including death. At that time my family was incredibly poor so I wasn’t seeing a doctor regularly so the telltale heart murmur was never discovered. Until one day I was hit by a Blazer at an intersection. The driver was actually a councilor at my school. I was completely unharmed aside from being knocked unconscious. They discovered my heart murmur in the ER. It might have never been caught if I hadn’t been mowed down by a school councilor.

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