We’ve known each other for a while now and I thought he was only looking for something casual.
But he’s told me he likes me, in a very joking tone and thus I’d never took him seriously. When we first started seeing each other I didn’t feel much. But as we spent more time, I really warmed up to him.

Then we kinda got into a fight and a blocked him and we kinda resolved things after I initiated it. This fixing took a about 2 months, obviously. I cried and admitted that I liked him and he said we should see where things go but during those months he’s been seeing other people. I completely understand, and I was like we don’t have to continue this if you don’t want to.

But now that we’re in a better place, we meet more often and chat a lot. Our interactions has made me fall for him. He’s very flirty over text and when we meet he always ends it with a small romantic gesture (last happened a week ago)

Now, he tells me, he likes another girl over call over a casual chat and tells me he doesn’t really see a future w me, because his mom found me short (We’re BOTH the same height and he knows it’s my biggest insecurity)

He’s still trying to be chummy and act like nothing happened. I’m not sure if I wanna be friends with him because I’m sure I’ll fall for him more deeply if we keep talking. I need to protect myself. I want to send him a text but idk what to say?

  1. Okay…got it. You flirted with him and he flirted with you.

    He used some words and You used some words.

    Then the recess bell rang and you had to go back to class.

    I’m sorry….What was your question again…….?

  2. Wait so his MOM told him to turn u down? WTF? You should say “so cuz of your mom’s opinion of my height, you don’t see a future with me? So you depend on her to tell you who u can and can’t date?”

    Also, personally, you should also approach him in person and just, say all that needs to be said. Your feelings, why his mom’s opinion matters, and just how much you like him to the point where you can’t see yourself being friends with him cuz that’s just gonna be too painful for u.

    And if he says no, then that’s when you cut all dies and say goodbye. Cuz the best thing for your mental health and your heart, is to say goodbye to someone u like to the point friendship is impossible. Buddy of mine went through something similar and I gave him this advice. And now he’s engaged to a woman he loves and who loves him back

  3. Nah stop talking to him, he already told you he found someone else. Don’t ever settle for #2 place.

  4. I think you dodged a bullet here.. I also don’t think you should remain friends especially if he gets serious with the new girl. I wouldn’t want to see it but that’s me, you might be able to. If for some reason it doesn’t work out with that new girl he might try to come back, block him. I’ve seen that happen so many times!

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