So I (17M) see this really beautiful girl that goes to my school but she is 1 year above me. I see her in bus quite often and wanted to approach her. I don’t care if I get rejected or anything, but the problem is how to start conversation. Yes simple “Hi, how are you” or something along those lines might be good starter, but what next?Keep in mind that we have solid 20 minutes ride to home. Should I just introduce myself and let conversation flow? Please help, I see her tommorow and next day. I tought of approaching her tommorow, so any help will be good

  1. If she gets on the bus before you, you could ask if the seat next to her is taken and if you can sit down. Assuming your talking about a school bus here.

    After that just ask how she’s liked her classes so far.

  2. Look to see if she has a bag on the seat next to her. If she dose it probably means she doesn’t want anyone to sit next to her. But you could sit across the isle from her as well, play a little dumb and ask her if she goes to whatever your schools name is and when says yes just say “oh that’s we’re I recognize you”

    If you have any funny stories about teachers share them.

  3. You decide what to say to the girl on the bus.

    Nobody here can decide that for you. Gotta use your self-thought and not rely on other people’s opinions.

  4. If there’s a free seat next to her just ask “hi – mind if I sit here?” If she says yes, sit down and introduce yourself.

    “Hi I’m so-and-so, what’s your name?”

    “Hi I’m whats-her-face”

    “Nice to meet you. I think I’ve seen you around campus before but I forget where…are you a part of any clubs or sports teams or anything like that?”

    “I’m part of this”

    “Ah I might’ve walked by and saw you once or twice. How do you like it?”

    And so on.

    If you get on at the same bus stop and she’s not talking to anyone – you could just say the above (obviously without the “can I sit here part”) and use it as a smooth way to sit with her on the bus and continue talking.

  5. Sunn, uske baju main jaake baithne se pehle dekh ki woh seat ladies ke liye reserved hai ya nhi

  6. Does she have any interesting clothes or something you could compliment her on? You’re looking more for conversation starters, interesting things that also look good, not just a compliment on esthetics. One way or the other, you need an ice breaker. If there’s an event coming up at your school that you’re wondering something about you could use that. “Hey, we both go to Blah Blah right? Do you happen to know what the deal is with School Spirit Day?” etc etc… ice breakers are tough, but you just need one.

    Then have some follow up questions. Are there any questions you have about the next year at your school? Think about them and store some up.

    From there look for anything you have in common and could chat about, although if any other subject comes up you could riff on, that’s fine too. Have you had a teacher in common, or a program of some kind? Is she in some program that you’ve always wondered XYZ about? etc etc

  7. My two cents is a simple compliment. Not about her appearance or anything creepy, but about something that she has on her person, bonus points of its a unique indicator of her tastes.

    If she wants to be left alone after you do that, she probably won’t try to take the conversation further.

  8. 1. Ask her how her day is
    2. Keep the conversation steady but not to fast
    3. Talk but don’t take over the conversation completely
    4. Keep talking to you or her off bus

    Day 2
    1. Do same thing
    2. Get to know her
    3. Be nice

    Keep doing this till you get more acquainted.
    This method is if you don’t mind taking your time to get to know her befor you tell her you like her.

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