So, imagine you’ve met a girl on tinder you really like and it’s been a few months, you feel the connection, every time you are with her it’s always fun time, you’ve been on several dates, slept with her, she likes you (or at least told you she does). She asks questions about you. Flirting’s on point and all that.

However, she only behaves like that when in person, chatting only turns interesting if you start it (for example reacting to her story or sending her a photo) and she connects, she never suggests a meeting (except when face2face) or tells you she wanna see you for example. You always gotta do that first. She only sends random photos or videos of her sometimes etc. It makes you wonder if she is interested or not, if she actually thinks about you sometimes or just wanna have fun time, no strings attached.

We are not in contact every day, which is good, she likes my IG stories, but she left me hanging for the first-time last week when i asked her out and it’s been 10 days now, she always at least says sorry afterwards, no response so far. I didn’t reach out to her cause i am too proud to do that, but im wondering if i should write her now just smth easy like: hey, haven’t heard from you for a while, is everything all right? Just let her know that i still care about her.

I know that if she wanted to see me, she would let me know and most of you will probably tell me that the ball is in her court and that i should move on, but damn i really like this one.

One more thing, i know its individual, but how long can you usually be in “no contact mode” with a girl to not lose that connection/flow or interest? Weeks, Months? I feel like if we don’t see each other again soon, this thing between us will just slowly fade away. Maybe im just overthinking.

  1. If she leaves you hanging like that, she’s not interested. I would move on. You hitting her up after she blatantly ignored you will look more pathetic to her because she knows you are still thinking of her even after the disrespect.

  2. The most I usually recommend is to follow up once and then call it a day if they leave you on seen again or don’t respond.

  3. I imagine you’re not her only friend, bro. I wonder if you’re going to get what you want from this. Investment is needed from both sides, don’t you think?

  4. The most important skill to have in a relationship, is honest communication. If you feel the need to ask her that, it’s because something’s happening in your relationship, and it needs to be addressed.

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