Seems like a lot of men have started to despise women, what are the reasons and what can we do to change that?

  1. There have been men who have hated women for centuries. The only thing that has changed is the internet makes it easier for them to connect and spew their hate into the world.

  2. As long as young women chose bad boys over good men, there will always be some resentment.

  3. Be kind to men. Speak up when other women are ragging on men in general or setting up unfair standards they wouldn’t want on them. This small amount of respect might help a lot. But the bigger items deal with custody rights for parents, and a few other big issues that aren’t as easily solved with just some kindness respect, and support as a culture or as a society.

  4. Because women nowadays have started to neglect men’s needs. Women have endless options for men with social media and the internet that they have started to realize they can have anyone and anything they want. The moment they’re significant other doesn’t give them exactly what they want they are told to move on and do better. This generation of women are told they don’t have to put up with anything and anyone. Men are nothing more than a paycheck to them. They do not appreciate anything.. they constantly find fault in everything we do , never validate men never compliment men , everything is an expectation.

  5. Remove dating apps like Tinder and work to remove hookup culture.

    Do what we can in the local community to build up your friends and family so women will reciprocate attention.

    A lot of people say screw the west, get a foreign wife cause no one here is worth committing to. That’s a short term solution that only makes things worse here and were ever you snatched your wife from. We need to fix things here.

  6. I see 3 reasons.

    1. Some men get constantly rejected and the frustration turns into hate.

    2. Some men are getting uneasy about the way extreme feminism is taking a hold of our society and laws.

    3. Some women are making a lot of money selling their sexual images. That behavior makes men see them as griddy objects instead of a person with feelings and thoughts.

    Edit: Seems that I need to clarify I don’t hate women. I’m analyzing this from a 3rd person point of view studying what I see around, specially online.

  7. “and what can WE do to change that?”

    There’s two major problems and this is one of them. The default assumption has become that men are in the wrong. I’m not saying that there don’t exist some people who truly hate women, but these posts are usually not about the minority. It’s about the majority that said or did something perfectly rational and got burnt at the stake for it (which is the 2nd issue ; a lot of stuff has been branded as hate speech when it’s not). And then the situation gets locked inwards because no responsibility or attempt to understand is taken by the ones making the false accusations. So now you have innocent men who did nothing being mentally fucked into thinking they are evil and that they should somehow cleanse themselves. Which obviously doesn’t work and then just leads to misery. Or you get the people that just chop their balls off and descend into being overly timid and get roasted for being beta nice guys. So it’s a lose-lose all round unless :

    A) People as a whole learn to identify actual hate vs something that they themselves were too sensitive to comprehend and got triggered by.

    B) People stop blaming men for everything under the sun and think that maaaybe they should take some responsibility of their own before pointing the finger at others.

  8. Id say it’s due to a lot of hookup culture and how unfair the laws are when it comes to male/female disputes. Like how if a man gets married, even if he makes less than the women if they get divorced, most of the time he still has to pay alimony. It’s also due to how popular false rape allegations have become in women who seek to ruin others lives for personal gain, it destroys the man’s life and future while the woman gets away almost scott-free. It really discourages men from approaching women in case they might be a “bad egg”. I personally felt this way a couple years ago but have come to terms that it was a toxic mindset. Just saying though, it just seems like a lot because people have the internet.

  9. I will raise my hand and say yes I seriously distrust women I’ve been in abusive relationships physical and metal abuse from women yet I was painted the bad guy I’ve been falsely accused of doing unspeakable things (r*pe) by jealous ex’s because I moved on after a 2 year period of them leaving me and in general life I’m constantly harassed by older women etc for being a young male so they just assume I’m mugging people and doing no good I’ve lost jobs because of this stuff I’ve lost friends I have an anxiety even leaving the house but deal with it for my supporting gf

    I’ve recently got a new job and all of my colleagues are female and they’ve made comments about me being silent around them and I’ve said it will remain that way because I know at least one of them would take my word good or bad and potentially screw me life over once more for no reason

    I trust 1 woman and that is my girlfriend and even then I still sometimes need comforting if her hand moves too fast and I flinch out of instinct

  10. The reasons? Well, women and society in general calling all men potential rapists simply for breathing the same air they do. Misandry is celebrated and encouraged, and men’s issues are dismissed or mocked by the same women that want their issues taken seriously.

  11. I think what they actually despise is coming to learn that the woman/women they wanted to be with do not love them in the ways they thought. They learned false rules about how to find a partner and struggle to find better advice and it seems that part of the advice that seems to at least progress them somewhat in the right direction will get them branded as stupid creeps trying to trick women.

    It’s a complicated situation of men and women being disillusioned with one another and discovering that the leverage of modern technology resulted in a situation where we literally do not need each other remotely as much as we did in the past.

  12. Because I am shunned and frowned upon for being attracted to them.
    Needed some workaround for this, blamed myself for it for a long time, then I just couldn’t take any more self hate so it did redirect.

  13. If you want a serious-ish answer it’s more than just “men are starting to despise women, there have been men in history who’ve always despised women”

    But rather the growing sentiment that there is less agency available to *you* as a man.

    The reality is this, women are on an incline for support in social circles. Increasing women’s movements in order to gain equal footing in society. Being encouraged to be and do more things, also getting a push that women are very very important within society and we can’t live without them.

    But as women’s roles are expanding, you see men get kinda trapped in the same role and as women have been encouraged to break the societal norms… Guys are just kinda… There. And you see more resentment that their role tends to be more stagnant and less appreciated in *general* but still more appreciated in closer relationships.

    Coupled with the onslaught of social media and a growing knee jerk reaction to men in general, paints them as a certain way, unable to shake their expectation placed on them as young children, but simultaneously not being able to embrace that role either. You have men feeling more isolated and lonely than ever and feeling even more lost to a system that cannot address their needs. So they end up souring on women entirely.

    For example: media portrays your average man as a menace to society, but needs his manhood to be strong and feel protected. But doesn’t need to be strong because a woman can be strong by herself, in her own right and does not need him to live harmoniously. However he needs to have the means to take care of a woman, if she requires it. Needs to be soft emotionally, but not too soft because that’s not attractive. But emotional hardness is acceptable and in some cases praised.

    See how the role shift can be confusing?

    What needs to be done is a real sit-down with the sexes. Encouraging men in healthier habits that would make women feel more comfortable without shaming their existence to do it. Men have work to do in their own right. But the immense feeling of social loneliness fuels *a lot* of your average male’s actions

  14. Men that hate women usually have had some bad experiences. But that shouldn’t mean that they should hate women all together.
    I think a lot of the misogyny today, comes from the manosphere pipeline. These guys are lost, depressed, and hate themselves. They need guidance and honestly, there are not a lot of outlets to guide and support them.
    These manosphere gurus provide a twisted sense of guidance. One that focuses on what social construct men should adhere to. They blame outside forces, that women are the problem, and they all act the same way. And because of these men’s negative experiences, that can feel validating for them.
    They set a unrealistic goal of masculinity. They must have money, muscles, and a narcissistic attitude to be attractive.
    What these young men really need are good, positive outlets for comfort and guidance. To be taught realistic goals, and realize their self worth. You don’t need to have money or muscles to be confident. You need to work on yourself to obtain that.

  15. It’s feminism thats the problem. Women think they own the world now. Everyone should have equal rights so don’t step on ours. Especially when it comes to legal issues.

  16. Loud and screeching feminists/politicians/internet denizens/social media nonsense trying to make it a trend that men are all evil, and having that much vitriol thrown at you makes those that do so look to be nothing more than an enemy to be destroyed. Kind of hard not to despise that which hates you.

  17. 1. Lack of respect from women towards men
    2. Inflated sense of self-importance on the part of many women
    3. Frustrating double standards regarding pretty much everything regarding dating on the part of women
    4. Any valid criticism of the above is labeled “hateful” and misogynistic, driving us further apart because it’s never addressed

  18. I do not despise women. That’s a generalization I’m not willing to make. But I do despise insufferable women – overly controlling, “woke”, “feminist” (not true feminists that believe in equality for everyone, the ones that say they’re feminist but basically want women to be present and at the top of everything in life), women who can’t just let me do something nice like hold a door for them without calling me a chauvinistic pig. Women who ridicule you for trying to start a conversation with them… you get the point.

    The reason that I stay away from women besides my fiancé, who frankly I met through sheer luck, is that it’s impossible to tell good women from bad women apart, just like it is with good versus bad men.

    I despise those people, and the potential repercussions I face for simply saying hello (this actually happened to me – I walked past a classroom and said “hi” because I recognized a girl in there, and ANOTHER GIRL got offended so the dean told me I could choose between apologizing or being expelled). I despise the circumstances they create for young boys and men, such as the class of Australians who had all the boys stand up during assembly and apologize for being male.

    What makes it translate to a broader sense of women is that when I speak to women about it, I usually get one of three answers. “I agree with them, you’re a misogynist”. “Well I’m not like that, she’s just crazy”. And possibly the most infuriating, “well it’s not on me to check her behavior or tell her otherwise, just don’t talk to her”.

    As a broad generalization people want people of their group to be responsible for their group (you protect your teammates, but you also don’t let them represent you poorly). So I find it unreasonable when women want me to put shitty men in their place (which I agree with) but don’t feel like they’re responsible to do the same when they see women being shitty.

  19. I do not despise women since I’ve learned to be objective and understand that my experiences are skewed. But the majority of my interactions with women have been very negative. As a student, I studied a discipline dominated by women and I was made to feel like I had to feel grateful and privileged that I was allowed to be in their regal presence. When I graduated, I finished at the very top of the department by a big margin and won all of the major awards and scholarships. And the amount of anger and resentment against me was unreal.

    At many of the jobs I’ve held, a lot of women I’ve worked with often acted as though they were the most enlightened people in the world and so therefore someone like me had to kowtow their opinions and expertise. And again, I was made to feel as though I had to feel grateful and privileged that I was allowed to be in their regal white presence (the white part BTW is very consistent as I’ve rarely had these types of issues with women of colour). But when they would find out that I’m well educated with multiple degrees, awards, scholarships, and publications, there would be again a lot of anger and resentment about it. Even more so when they find out about the awards and honours I’ve won as an employee at the jobs that I’ve been in. And I’m not even the type of person who would boast about my achievements either (or even mention them).

    It should be mentioned that I am not white and most of the women I’ve interacted with at both school and work are white since I live in a super-white part of Canada. I’m positive that my race probably played another role in my interactions with these women that I’ve had negative experiences with. Especially since I often find that a lot of women at work like saying super-racist things about men of colour and think nothing of it (at least until I documented the incidents and got some of them fired).

  20. Some things are partially misdirected anger towards some of the general anti-male laws and regulations out there. If some of the social justice warriors and devout feminists who claim to want things “fairer for everyone” put their effort towards some of the things tilted against men that would be a huge shock. Speaking up against blatant misandry would be a start to gaining back some respect.

    On a slightly more realistic note, possibly show a bit of compassion and thought towards your fellow (male) man. Don’t always assume the worst. Try to see things from their point of view, and their point of view isn’t from the VERY small percentage of men at the very top. Ask them questions but don’t expect to always like their answers – especially when they are being completely truthful. Their reality is in many ways NOT your reality; full of just as many problems – just often different problems.

  21. Men don’t despise women. It’s just women projecting their insecurities onto a man. That’s all! We love women! Especially when they suck and fuck and do anal and atm.

  22. I’ve had enough friends who got screwed over in divorces. Their exes were horrible human beings. They put on this facade of innocence and of being a victim, trashed their husbands on social media and to their friends, and made their lives hell.

  23. Society bows to women. Without getting into a speech about how men have had all sorts of things taken away from them in the fight for women’s equality, I can say this…….society concerns itself with women’s issues while ignoring the issues of men and boys. A quick example is shelters for women. How many shelters are there for men? In Canada, there is a single men’s shelter for the entire country, yet we live in a society where our legal system attacks men in domestic issues without a care for who the victim is. Women are always seen as the victim. Women have become so empowered and entitled that they feel that they can do whatever and say whatever they want without consequences.

  24. Honestly there’s just been an a real demonization of masculinity in the last 5-10 years or so. And toxic masculinity definitely exists but masculinity as a whole is 100% needed for a multitude of reasons. People want to dismiss being a man as societal when in reality it’s just pure biology. IMO as long as this demonization continues you’ll continue to see the rise of dumbasses like Andrew Tate

  25. Stop treating us like were disposable, useless unless we have money, emotionally abusable, always at fault, just an option who can always replaced.

    I think most Women don’t understand how much pressure there is to perform in all aspects of your life as a man.

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