Edit: Only male answers please. I’m curious on a gender aspect specifically, and the women commenting are throwing me off

  1. I’d love to; however, I need to work on myself, and find the right gal to settle down with, first.

  2. Nothing against kids, they’re just not for me. I’ve never wanted it badly enough to be willing to make the financial sacrifices required.

  3. Personally? I won’t have any. I don’t have the traits needed to be a good Dad.

    In general? Not my business to get into what others do with their reproductive organs.

  4. Personally, I’m glad I’m sterile.

    I love my friends’ kids and my siblings’ kids.

  5. Wanted it a bit, then we lost our first child during pregnancy, never felt more heart broken in my life. Made me realize how much I actually wanted kids.

    Gf is pregnant again, last time I was a bit nervous/unsure, this time I cant wait to meet my kid. Sure, we have it good with just the 2 of us, but somehow it just feels right.

  6. Very happy that I had a kid.

    Anyone who looks at it from a financial perspective, it’s probably not for them.

  7. Terrible idea. I’m getting snipped the next time I have my annual checkup. I have no interest in the money pit of children.

  8. I will only ever have kids through adopting or parenting the child/children of a single mother. I refuse to carry on my bloodline.

  9. I love kids and once I got older definitely wanted some.

    My husband and I have a daughter and she’s the light of the world

    My husband didn’t want kids at all, I wanted a few, so we settled for one. And honestly the process of getting a child is so complicated, I don’t mind just having one, I love her to death

  10. Two so far. They are the literal best. Besides marriage there is nothing more meaningful in life.

  11. I thought I would have 2 kids before I turned 30, instead I’m 32 and I don’t even have a girlfriend. It’s pretty depressing. I mean I still want kids, but now I’m wondering if I will even manage it before I’m 40… I don’t really want to be an old dad.

  12. My kids (and family) are the best thing in my life.

    It’s quite hard to explain to someone who doesn’t have kids what it’s like (like explaining technicolor to someone who only saw black& white movies – not implying that there’s anything wrong with not having kids btw).

    And true, all the negatives the kidsfree people claim, are true: you give up your freedom, they’re a moneypit, you worry all the time,.. and that’s even the best case. But it’s really hard to describe the positives. I just know my life is much richer with them in it.

  13. Didn’t want any, ended up with two. Even though my first marriage was horrible, I’d do it again to have my kids. Just would have ended it sooner.

    Last year for my 60th birthday they took me on a Route 66 road trip. I have a beautiful 1 year old granddaughter. What’s not to love about that?

  14. My wife and I decided we didn’t want children. Feel free to come by and pick them up.

  15. I’m planning to get a vasectomy. I don’t want to be a father, PERIOD! Overpopulation, economy, state of the world, my financial status, my love of not having to be a parent, Pregnancy can have super negative effects on a woman’s body, chance of an apocalypse, I don’t wanna change diapers or wipe anyone’s ass but my own, I prefer dogs and plan to rescue only dogs, more humans means more global warming, I have autism and mental health issues so I refuse to burden a child with those, what if my kid is an arse and I hate them (you CANT 100% control your kids), I already struggle to care for myself, studies have shown having kids can RUIN a relationship, I have no paternal instincts, and again I JUST DONT WANNA BE A FATHER! I have a right to choose as well!


  16. I’ve always wanted to be a father but I’m gay and I’m not sure how I feel raising a child without their mother. If I was raised without my mother, I’d be crushed.

  17. I had friends, neighbours, colleagues and family who said they didn’t want kids but ended up having 3-6 children. They love their kids and wouldn’t trade anything in the world for them. Kids are grown up now, see their parents regularly, they treat them nice things and tend to have barbecues, picnics, dinners and go on holidays.

  18. We had 2 in our 30’s. My feeling is that I wish we had them earlier in our lives so we could share more of our lives with them. They gave my life a purpose that was not self serving, and it has made me a better person.

  19. I enjoy the freedom of only having to take care of myself. Never really had the desire to have or raise kids, they are kinda cool in small doses

  20. I have them. They’re awesome! They keep me young and bring out my inner kid. Nothing wrong with not wanting kids.

    I thought I was going to be a terrible father. My father was absent most my childhood. Just showing up when he felt like and then leaving us whenever he felt like.

    Being a dad is easy. I just do the opposite of what mine did. So…thanks dad?

  21. Didn’t think kids were for me but deep down I wanted one when I was ready. Ended up having one with my ex. Wasn’t entirely ready but my parents help and are supportive with him and he’s the sweetest little thing. 100/10 would have another.

  22. I don’t need em, and I don’t want em. Just my opinion. I’ve never had any desire to raise children.

    Giving into the pressure from my parents wanting grandchildren is not worth me sacrificing the lifestyle I want.

  23. I don’t want them, I don’t like children and people always tell me “you’ll come around” or “you’d love your own” but what if I didn’t? It’s not really fair to bring a child into the world you don’t want in your life and won’t love on the off chance

  24. I’d love to, but also feel like maybe my genes shouldn’t propagate any further. Litany of issues plague my family, and feel like it’s cruel.

    That said, there are options for me and my partner. Adoption, IVF, donors. Motherhood is what she wants. It doesn’t matter how.

  25. I don’t really hate kids, but I just know I can’t handle them. With what I am right now, I’d rather focus on myself.

  26. Knew I didn’t want kids since I was a kid myself. Simply not conducive to the life I want. I got snipped in my 20’s while I was still single. I remember the doctor asking “what if you meet the girl of your dreams and she wants kids?” and my answer being “that obviously wouldn’t be the girl of my dreams”.

    I love being an uncle and I know I’d make a compassionate and caring father, but kids of my own would derail my own life.

  27. I want kids. I was pretty set on that early on. But I know enough failed households and terrible parenting moves to realize that I definitely need to get my crap together for myself before I even think about having kids. I don’t want any baggage I have to get in the way of raising a child, adopted or otherwise.

  28. I never wanted children in my life, because I felt I couldn’t give them the love and attention they deserve and it made me feel bad thinking about it. Also, I grew up with narcissistic parents and always thought, “what if I become a fucked up person like my parents, and my kids grow up traumatized like me?”. Then everything changed once I met the woman that I married.

    She loves me for who I am, cares for me in a way I never felt possible, and took financial risks to stay in the relationship with me. When we talked about kids I was really hesitant and she told me that having children out of a loving situation with dedicated parents, that have good intentions, and that could check each other’s shortcomings in raising them couldn’t possibly be bad. She grew up in a loving wonderful family and her love and devotion convinced me to change my mind. Now we have 2 kids and are still happy, every day is hard work but we all do our parts out of love for the kids and each other. Don’t think I would have been as happy as I am without the right person by my side to help nurture me as a husband and as an individual, but she did it and now I have 2 kids who love me and depend on me for so much that I couldn’t imagine doing anything more important than what I am doing for them.

  29. Don’t want them. I’ve never had the desire to have them. I could give more concrete reasons such as it being too much responsibility, not having enough time to do the things I enjoy, and having to change dirty diapers 🤮. But the most basic reason is that I just don’t have, and never had, the drive to have kids.

  30. I have never wanted a family/children. I understand the concept of passing on your legacy and all that but eventually you’ll be forgotten anyways sooner then most people would like to admit. One generations, two generations inevitably my name will not be spoken, I will not be remembered. Even famous historical figures that influenced the world that I learned of growing up in text books have faded into memory. I maybe think of my grandparents 5-10 times a year if I am being generous? I have never looked up or had interest in my great grandparents nor do I even know their names, let alone their faces, achievements, let alone their life story.


    Kids are an incredible financial, physical and mental burden with some upsides but the cost benefit ratio is NOT there. Call me selfish call me what you will.

  31. Never had the desire. Quite the opposite, I vehemently oppose having them. It would ruin my life but it’s not just about me, I don’t want to be a parent and nobody should bring a child into the world who isn’t absolutely committed to being the best parent they can and who wants children.

    Vasectomy initial consult is this Weds 🙂

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