I was on twitter and it was a great reminder that some will look to uncontrollable, superficial traits like height over a man’s personality, morals, and integrity when dating. I understand the desire to want a tall man, but being 5’7, it just feels so hopeless that I will actually find a partner in this climate. And yes – I already go to the gym and have a good physique. It helps, but it won’t change the fact I’m short. Why is there such an erratic obsession to height? How can guys feel any sort of optimism or hope when this obsession is plaguing the dating scene?

  1. It’s blown out of proportion, most women prefer a taller partner not necessarily 6ft, just look at couples in public, there are plenty of men under 6ft dating.

  2. You’re literally the one erratically fixated on height. It’s not like you’re short to the point of it being disabling, so if you wanna talk about being a man of morals then work on cultivating some humility.

  3. What city you in? I’m a short guy too, but honestly , here in LA at the end of the day there are plenty of women that will not care about height – maybe it’s just the city ?

  4. Sorry but I saw on your profile and you have a gf? Why are you worried about what other women think I’m dating when you already have someone lol

  5. I think you should worry more about your current relationship and not worrying about the what-ifs.

    I would focus on being happy with your partner and making that last….

    Hecky, I can’t even find a partner. Lol

  6. Bro get off the apps and get off tiktok, most women don’t care nearly as much as the very vocal minority.

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