Wearing pajamas inside out or sleeping with cotton balls between your toes are two common ones I’ve heard of, curious if there are others

  1. Why the hell would anyone do that save for if they are at a ski resort? Snow is great while it is falling the first real storm of the year, then it can get fucked the rest of the season. Shoveling 4 inches of sidewalk on my corner property blows.

  2. I’ve heard moving to Alaska can help make it snow. Or Wisconsin or Minnesota or Buffalo…

  3. Never heard of that, but then I live someplace where it’s gonna snow whether you like it or not.

    Even as a kid, I don’t think I ever wished for snow, just that when there was gonna be snow, it’d be enough for a snow day.

  4. The common thing when we were kids in Maryland, and were hoping to get out of school the next day, was to sleep with a spoon under your pillow (no idea why) and I’ve also heard of the pajamas inside out lol

  5. No, I’ve never done that. I’ve never heard of anyone in Chicago doing that.

    Maybe kids do that in Georgia or Texas because they know school will be cancelled. But here it takes a *lot* of snow to cancel school.

  6. As a child, I never heard of any of these superstitions. But now I’m a teacher and if there’s any hint of snow, my colleagues and students always say to wear your pajamas inside out and sleep with a spoon under your pillow if you want a snow day.

  7. it doesn’t snow often enough here that anything like that would exist. Like a few times a decade at most.

  8. Spoon under the pillow, pajamas inside out, ice cubes in the toilet

    This common when I was in elementary school as a way to get a snowday. Which, we actually did get a lot of in the early 2000s in West Michigan

  9. We tell ourselves “I’ll rake the leaves tomorrow” and BAM 3″ of snow is there to cover them so we don’t have to bother.

  10. No, because I can’t imagine being that dense or clueless or superstitious about how weather is generated to believe that anything I do will affect it.

  11. It’s gonna take a lot of juju to just get it to cooler temperatures over here in Southern California.

  12. Forgetting to treat the gas in your snowblower for summer storage is the surest way to make it snow.

    That way it won’t start easy and run rough and since God clearly hates us and wants us to suffer that is the best way to manifest snow.

  13. I’ve heard of this as a kid. I think our thing was putting quarters in your socks before you go to bed.

  14. I bury my yoyo, that glowed in the dark, in the garden. What made it special made it dangerous.

  15. Nah, I work in snow so it can stay away. You tend to get over the snow the third time you’re deicing a CRJ in a blizzard.

  16. Okay so let me clarify: In the south we have terrible road maintenance when it snows so if it does, they cancel school because the buses can’t run

    So as a kid you want it to snow so you get the day off and can play in the snow

    Don’t Tell me as a kid you guys wanted LESS snow 😭

  17. Seems like I remember kids in school wearing their baseball caps upside down, so it would snow and we’d get a snow day.

  18. Injecting a fine mist of water into a fast moving stream of air when it is already below freezing.

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