Have you ever had a girl best friend confess feelings for you? How did it work out?

  1. No but she did kind of tell my girlfriend that she wished I wasn’t dating her. So that friendship didn’t lask much longer

  2. Yeaaaaaaa, she kinda put me on the spot outta nowhere, I couldn’t come up with a good excuse as to why we shouldn’t date, so I panicked and told her we’d “Be too perfect for eachother” … whatever that means

  3. Yeah, it went badly. From my side, we only got that close because there wasn’t any sexual attraction. So my brain could classify her as “one of the guys”

    So once I had been informed that we weren’t really friends, I had just friend zoned her. It got all kinds of awkward.

  4. Really, really badly.

    She didn’t outright say it, but all the body language and unspoken signals were there. Would’ve been great otherwise if I wasn’t already married, and she wasn’t already married. She was trying to set up an affair behind the backs of our respective spouses, and I was really not about that.

    Then when she learned my wife and I weren’t strictly monogamous, she was trying to set up her husband with my wife to “balance it out,” which was just creepy and weird.

    We don’t speak to them anymore.

  5. I had a friend like that. shes an amazing friend but not relationship material. So I declined

  6. I kept saying I couldn’t return the feelings despite her continuing advances and now we’re not talking as much as we were and she’s seeing a new guy. Granted, the whole situation is much more complicated than that.

  7. Yeah. She moved away, dropped off my radar, and then suddenly contacted me again and wanted to date.

    I tried, since I had a thing for her back before she moved, but it didn’t work out.

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