My boyfriend basically broke up with me yesterday. The reason why is that while I’m a good person and girlfriend, I’m too moody for him. And I admit I can be moody, especially when I’m exhausted, which I have been very exhausted a lot lately. Is being a moody person a bad thing?

  1. Honestly sounds like you have an imbalance somewhere. Have you had a full blood work done recently? You should and when everything is balanced it is easier to maintain a good mood. If you are anemic that can make you extremely tired. When you are off so is your mood and hormones. If you are on birth control that could also be the issue because it messes with hormones and your mood. Fix your internal imbalances and you can be in a more pleasant mood most of the time.

    Thyroid levels are a big thing as well for moods, have those looked into!

    Mental issues could also be affecting your mood. If you haven’t, seek out a counselor to talk to and learn coping mechanisms. It is normal at your age to go through different feelings and emotional states but learning how to cope with all those feeling is priceless and will take you much further to a happier life in general. Life is hard to navigate at times, I hope you have people in your life that you can talk to.

  2. ~~Yes, very bad.~~ Constantly needing to walk on eggshells around somebody is somebody you can’t be yourself or relax around.

  3. Yes, because it shows that you can’t emotionally regulate and if you can’t do then people will suffer from whatever you mind concocts that day.

    Nobody wants to live like that, it isn’t cute or a small thing.

  4. Yes. In a relationship, if your SO is constantly in a bad mood it can be very draining.

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