I have had too many relationships where I’ve rushed into them and then regretted it. I’m finally enjoying being independent and developing a relationship not because I need it but because I want it.
The guy I’m dating (for 2 months) is very nice (aside from crazy sleeping habits, he’s a mover), but he’s recently starting getting strangely passive aggressive.
He’s suggested I’m still on dating sites and that my free time is actually spent dating other people, he says it’s a joke but the way he says it comes across not very light-hearted.

I’m not dating anyone else, because as I’ve told him I’m enjoying being independent and just doing stuff by myself.
I’ve told him I’m hoping this develops into a relationship and he wants that too, though I think he wants it sooner than I do.

We also live quite far apart so we only see eachother over a weekend every two weeks. Which is another reason why I don’t want to rush into anything, because I don’t know him well enough yet.

I’ve already broached the subject of how he’s feeling, and he continues to say he’s happy and he’s just joking.

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