Idk if this is the best subreddit for this type of question i have but on the other ones i posted nobody responded.

So i have a pretty big crush on my classmate and today at school some things happened with her that made me believe a little that she likes me. The first thing was when a teacher that came back from a trip to another country, brought us some candy. Everybody in the class went to take some except me because i don’t really like candy. After a few minutes, my crush looked at me, tilted her head a little, smiled and brought me some candy even if i told her that i don’t really like candy. The other things that happened were in our last class. We had to go in a different classroom and me and some other classmates were early. Then the teacher told us to sit anywhere we want so i picked a spot where nobody was sitting. After some minutes, she came in the classroom and came to sit next to me for some reason. There were moments in the class when she was looking at me and after we finished and we were in the hallway she was looking right at me. There was a thing that made me believe a little that she isn’t really interested in me and it was when she was asking other classmates what the time was even tho i have a watch and she saw that. Can it mean something? Sorry if this is a little too long and sorry if i have bad english but it’s not my first language.

1 comment
  1. Too little info to say. Generally they may want to be around you more and do what they can to be inviting. Take initiative and talk to her and work in some flirting. Just try to hard and have fun. Best case she is into it and you stand a good chance at getting a date. At worst she will say no.

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