Hey! I’m quite an introverted person and spend a lot of time to myself. Since starting university I’ve made an effort to socialise more and try to make new friends. I find that I sometimes come across as nervous when I talk and stumble over my words. It frustrates me and I feel embarrassed when this happens. I was just wondering if anyone had any advice on how to overcome this.

  1. I used to have a similar problem, still kinda do. Sadly there’s not really a simple to solve this. Talk slower is probably the only easy fix. But probably you’ll just have to talk, screw up and do it again.

    After a while you’ll start noticing a “pattrern” with every conversation then you’ll know what to say and not struggle as much.

    Also, most people are nice and used to introverts, so dont worry about it too much

  2. Try reading articles from art of manliness, I was like you mention and since then I put in practice a lot of the advice in those articles and my life started to change. Usually those articles suggest more dense readings like books or other blogs you can get to enhance those skills.

    Also I subbed to r/socialskills

  3. I did this a lot, and I found I corrected it by accident.

    I started reading to my kids, and I found I was stumbling over my words less and less. The act of reading out loud and having the words in front of me, changed my speech patterns when I was in normal conversation.

    Ultimately just talking slower and allowing words to process before I spoke out loud. In short, read out loud.

  4. never tried it but there’s an app a professor recommended called Orai but i think it might be more for public speaking

  5. Join toastmasters. It is a public speaking group. Everyone who joins is wanting to get better at public speaking, so there is a lot of support and encouragement.

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