I’m in grad school and I’ve been flirting with a guy in my class. We’re both 24. He seems to be being extremely obvious about what’s going on. Like calling me beautiful all the time, asking if I needed help when my car broke down, he asked me out on 2 separate dates, being touchy. He texted me this morning saying that he needed me to fix his back sometime today (inside joke) and I was like haha you can come meet me to go study in a little bit if you want. He said he’s watching the football game and that he’ll text me once it’s over. The game ended at like 3 pm and it’s 9 now and he hasn’t texted. I just don’t know why he wouldn’t say “hey I’m not gonna come by and study actually I’m gonna do xyz”. I’m just a little confused because it seemed like he was asking to see me? I had plans at 6 pm so I offered him a time before. I’m an absolutely catastrophic over thinker so please let me know if I’m worried over nothing. It’s hard for me to strike a balance between tolerating bs and being too rigid with my expectations so let me know what you all think

1 comment
  1. If he didn’t text you he obviously was not serious about seeing you. Something might have happened too. I would suggest you to send him a message to see if everything’s fine.

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