Hi all,

So this sounds incredibly petty and weird but I have always grown up having a cat, always vowed to get myself a cat.

My girlfriend is terrified of them, we’ve been together for about 8 months and I’m moving out (by myself) and due to move the end of the month. I have explained for Christmas I’m going to treat myself by getting myself a cat. GF says it’s a dealbreaker.

Not sure what to do…

  1. Get the cat and dump the girl. If she’s that petty about a pet, she’ll be petty about 1001 other things.

  2. Then break up. You’ve always wanted one and she hates them. She isn’t even willing to try? I was terrified of them and we got one because my partner wanted one and now I love that adorable loaf.

  3. You have to think will you be able to be with this person the rest of your life and be OK with not having a cat

    But is it a priority for YOU? the relationship is pretty young so that doesn’t mean you’ll be with this person for another 50 years.

    Some people will say “wow it’s just a cat” but if that is something that is important to you it doesn’t matter. Whether it be a cat, a goldfish, a certain hobby, or something else. if it’s something that is important to you, you have to think how you would feel if your life didn’t have that thing.

    Personally I have cats and birds and would never ever be with someone who didn’t like those things. I had a boyfriend once whom I put before my sick pet bird, because he told me “it’s not a big deal it’s just a bird” and she died

    I regret that SO MUCH because he was a piece of trash and that was my pet bird. But at the time I thought I was “in love” and he mattered more than she did.

  4. If you really want a cat break up with her and get a cat. Plenty of people like cats and will be more than happy to pet parent a cat with you. I don’t like cats or big dogs and cut it off with people before when I found out they had them. Now I’m dating someone who loves my two small dogs and treats them like his own babies

  5. Whatever you do, do not get a cat, get it used to you and your home, only to rehome it when your gf throws a temper tantrum.

    You and her don’t seem to be a good match. So either postpone getting a cat until your relationship comes to an end on its own, or break up with her and get a cat. These are your only 2 options, as clearly the cat and the gf can’t coexist.

    For what it’s worth, I’d personally choose the cat.

  6. A cat shouldn’t be a deal breaker. If she is that timid over a cat. ..then she likely has other emotional or stability issues. Take it from someone who met an issue and married it and now over it. Your girl your decision. The defense attorney has no further witnesses.

  7. Break up, the cat is a need for you and I am sure that you’ve spent more time with cats than her at that point, just go get yourself a new cat and a new girlfriend.

  8. gift yourself both the cat and a new girlfriend who doesn’t let your pet affect your relationship

  9. Good for her for setting a boundary. And good for you for knowing what you want (a fur baby). Y’all are incompatible.

  10. Introduce her to the cat. I bet she’ll fall in love with it and it will be problem solved!

  11. Do y’all live together? If so, then you’re gonna have to make a tough decision in regards to which pussy you want.

    Don’t live together? I mean there’s ways of making this work but if she is certain she can’t accept the cat, then you gotta decide what’s more important. You can try to talk to her and figure out what the underlying issue is here.

  12. Terrified?! That’s not a real excuse lmfao. There’s nothing terrifying about them especially if you two get a little kitten. Do you really want someone who is terrified of a baby kitten in your life?

  13. I’m allergic to cats and the field I’m in has plenty of women with cats. You’ll be fine if you move on, plenty of single women already have a cat.

  14. Is she even willing to go to a shelter and meet some of the cats there?

    Otherwise what do you want to name your new cat?

  15. I’d be scared of you having another kitty in the house, too.

    Seriously though, it’s not a minor thing. Pets are serious hobbies that are invasive towards your time and space. Get one if you want but it does speak to very time different priorities.

  16. Your cat is going to be around for 15+ years of companionship.

    Your gf… will most likely be gone in 1. Probably less since you’ve discovered this incompatibility.

    Team cat!

  17. She’s right it’s a dealbreaker. Enjoy your new kitty. Find yourself a GF that appreciates cats.

  18. You guys are incompatible and I do think this is a relationship ending issue (as somebody who is deathly allergic to cats). You want one, and pets are a big part of how people live their lives and find joy. There are plenty of women who would love to be a cat mom to any of your future fur babies.

  19. think about it this way, if you back down now and move forward with this girl you’re basically not allowed to have a cat ever again?

    is that something you’re okay with?

    if not, then it’s perfectly reasonable to break over this…

    you wouldn’t be nearly the first couple to find they’re not life compatible because of your stance on pets, it’s not petty from your side at all

    honestly, to me it would be a huge red flag that someone would consider straight up breaking up over this

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