She was sucking my penis when I wanted to come,I then pulled out and as I did she FULL on flicked my balls which almost killed me!!
Happen to anyone and why would she do that??

  1. This is hilarious 🤣🤣🤣. Was she trying to be funny or thought that might be something to make the orgasm better lol?

  2. If you didn’t enjoy it, then ask her not to do it again. It’s not that complicated.

  3. Damn wtf 😂 is she new to sex maybe? She may not have realised that flicking causes A LOT of pain 🥴

  4. People are laughing in this thread but inflicting pain on someone without making sure it’s ok is not cool. “Flicking in the balls” does *sound* funny but unless we know he’s ok with the situation laughing at non-consensual pain isn’t cool.

  5. Maybe losing your orgasm was the point. Make you last longer? Either way not cool and should be a convo about boundaries.

  6. I flinched reading that title lmao. Idk why she did that. Make sure you tell her never to do it again. Man, I would not be happy if someone did this to me. It would ruin the mood for sure

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