So I my most recent post got a lot of upvotes. I really appreciate the support.

Well everything turns out really when we both enjoyed each other company. It really cool for us too talk about different artist and architecture from early renaissance era and then talked about video games. It nice to be relived that she really my friend. I’m ngl I figured she would be hesitant because I did have a crush on her early freshman year. I did try to ask her out but it wasn’t really a yes.
I figure it would be nice to ask her again to lunch. Imma try to ask her again the week after the next to another lunch date.
Let me preface, I really don’t want to date her yet. I have a lot to work on myself before I’m really ready for relationships. I just want to get closer to her.

  1. Great to hear it went well OP!

    One thing to note though about the last bit, don’t be afraid to talk about that either. The “yet” is the important part.

    Say for instance she has romantic feelings for you as well, but you’re giving off ‘friendzone’ vibes. It might put her off completely and may make her drift away.
    Now I’m not saying keep her on a hook either, god no.

    Just, if you ever get the feeling she might want to be more than friends, it might be a good idea to sit down and chat about it.
    Like, hey, I feel <xyz> about you. I don’t feel ready for a relationship yet, I’m working on myself right now.
    And depending on your feelings, you could ask if she’s ok with staying friends for now, or for ever.

    Just keep it human. Either way, if she’s a halfway decent person, she’ll appreciate and maybe admire the maturity.

    But I’m no behaviour scientist and awkward af IRL, so take with a handful of salt 😅

  2. Happy to hear that! Also very mature of you wanting to work on yourself before dating and that stuff.

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