After talking with a girl for two weeks, we went on a date last Friday. It was really fun, we had a ton of shared interests and laughed a lot. After the planned activity was done she asked me to go get a drink somewhere. I said yes, after the drink she asked me to stay over at her house. I said yes. The next morning she kept saying how much she enjoyed it and how she wanted to go on a second date. I agreed.

So, I leave the next morning and say goodbye. She wanted to walk with me to my bus, grabbed my hands and stuff. That same day in the evening I texted her, that it was a lot of fun and that I would like to go on a second date. It’s now 2 days later and she hasn’t responded, what happened? Haha

Before we went on a date we didn’t text a lot, I sometimes took 3 days to reply, she did the same. But after a first date you would expect it to be different right. I’m thinking of double texting her, saying that I have a really good second date idea. But I suppose it doesn’t really matter, she probably changed her mind.

I have another date tomorrow with a different girl. But I just felt like venting here, women huh haha

  1. Your doing great bro, you date different women all the time till you click with one, then continue dating other women till the one you clicked says she wants exclusivity and not before.

  2. I see a lot of guys who send the “I had a great time” text just after the date getting ghosted on this sub. I’d recommend waiting a few days before doing that or waiting for her to send that first. In my experience, the girls send me that text first. Go for it if it’s been a few days, but hang back for the first 24hrs.

    Just small critique about your date too. You want to have at least 2-3 places planned that you can take her to. You don’t want her taking the lead. You lead, she follows. You guys had fun regardless, but being more prepared about where you’re going makes you look better in their eyes. Sometimes I just wing it when I take my girl out and she doesn’t know the difference.

    Anyway, wait for her response and definitely don’t double text right away. Just give it a week if you don’t get a response, then send her another message .

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