I never had any female friend’s which means that i dont know how to talk with girls. I once tried to talk to a girl in my school i was super nervous and we had a super akward 1 minute conversation, that i still remember. I havent talked to that girl for a year or two, how can i start a conversation with her? I dont see her often because we go different colleges which means i have to talk to her vie social media.

  1. Out of social media what are the common places? Also, any mutual friends? Mutual friend might be a good way to get introduced to her and not feel nervous about the convo

  2. Since you don’t have much experience with girls, I wouldn’t try anything if I were you since from that awkward conversation she’ll already remember from that conversation and think of you as that strange weirdo guy.

    You should at least work on not getting nervous around people first

  3. No common ground, no mutual friends, interaction has to be completely online, no real idea about any of her interests or what type of person she is? Yeah I’d say your chances are pretty low with this one…

    If you must try to talk to her just attempt to ask about something she might be interested in and go from there.

    But yeah like the other commenter said, it’s probably best to just work on making some in-person friends for now

  4. You really need to talk to girls you aren’t attracted to.

    It sounds like you are just fixating on this girl because she’s a girl… who you talked to. Is this the case? If you talked to another one, would she move into that “top spot”?

    But I can’t emphasize this enough, you need to talk to girls you aren’t attracted to, just as people. You’re in college, go to club meetings, say hi to people you sit near in class. You don’t need long conversations, literally just interactions.

    Dance groups (swing, etc.) are usually heavily female-dominated and guys are popular dance partners.

    Otherwise you will never learn to talk to them like human beings. No sane person wants to get with someone who treats them weird.

  5. Don’t over think it. Send her a message asking how she has been. If she’s supposed to be your friend, that will happen naturally, and so would a relationship if that is what you are actually after. 😉

  6. I really wouldn’t talk to a girl who is on social media and has no common interest that I
    know of. I’ve tried and succeeded, I usually comment on the girls story and then start a conversation from there and try to keep
    It going. I’ll find a common interest without coming off to weird. But most of the time it doesn’t work. I’d say shoot your shot with a common interest, find something you can relate to… then say “hey I thought u were cute” from there just ask simple questions like “what are you studying” etc etc. Wait a couple days and come back with another topic. Try to be humorous to. Don’t be shy bro it’s social media for one ☝️ and ✌🏽if you don’t shoot your shot then you never know. I talk to women like I’d talk to any other guy I know, if they don’t like me.. move on.

  7. You don’t need common interests, mutual friends or know what type of person she is in order to shoot your shot, obviously that makes it easier but don’t worry. There are plenty of people who “slide into DM’s” and it works out. If you have her on social media just wait until she posts something that you can start a convo from. If the post is somewhat funny, reply with a joke or if there is something that catches your interest in her post ask a question about it. I’m not sure how awkward that last convo was but it’s probably not as bad as you think. She didn’t run away and you talked for a minute so could’ve been worse

  8. Hear me out, it sounds stupid, but, don’t listen to any of the other comments, the proper way to do it is…. To not try, meaning pull anything out of your ass, say anything do anything, be real, it literally ends up working every time

  9. Be confident at the fact that you don’t fucking know what’s going on > _> trust me

  10. Do you consider girls like some aliens?

    Girls are humans too. Just approach her like you would approach some guy. Just act like you would act in front of some guy. Talk like you would in front of some guy.

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