My(18m) friend(17f) always takes hours to respond to my texts on insta, but I know she’s online because I can see when she likes posts from mutual accounts. But when she does eventually reply, she talks a lot and keeps the conversation going for a long time without being dry. She mostly replies at night and we usually talk until like 1 am. Does this mean anything or am I just overthinking things?

  1. it sounds like you’re overthinking things. it’s not your fault, social media is rly to blame for this phenomenon of being able to See What People Are Active All The Time- but just try to remember that everyone has their own life and gets busy. most of my friends and myself do the same thing, so i’m rly used to not responding/not getting a response for hours at a time- it just slips our minds! but if you’re having conversations like you say it’s definitely nothing to worry about : ) as long as it’s not anything super urgent, try to think of a message a little gift you’re leaving someone that they can open when they’re free and send you a nice gift of their own

  2. 2 options here

    1. She puts a great deal of thought in what you says to you and wants to take the time to write it out. Could or could not be too busy during the day to write messages and may only have time for scrolling?
    2. She has nothing better to do at night/1am and you’re the “u up?” text (aka desperate to talk to someone/whoever will listen but not a priority)


    Without more context/detail, it’s hard to say which of these it could be. Does she work? Hobbies/school activities? etc.

  3. You’re overthinking. Text, and then forget about it until she replies. She might be thinking of what to say, she might want to devote attention to you after she does other stuff. It’s impossible to know her reason for this.

    From my own experience, if someone is texting back at all it means that they must care about you at least a little. It’s not really a test of friendship or whatever, but the people who care the most are the ones who reach out unprompted if they haven’t heard from you in a few days.

    Also, you’re almost certainly going to ignore this advice, but don’t stay up until 1am texting. Sleep is more important than whatever you might be talking about.

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