What do you like about children?

  1. Thier ability to grasp things quickly. Their very nature is intriguing. Their actions are a reflection of the environment they grew up in. They are so honest.

    Edit: grammatical correction.

  2. I love teaching them stuff. It is incredibly rewarding to teach things to kids. They really love to learn fun stuff, like cycling or soccer or how to paint.

  3. My kids are older now, but I love reliving those fun moments when I was a kid. I love letting loose and just engaging in silly play with them that would otherwise be strange in a group of adults.

    I also like their takes on the world based on their limited knowledge of the things around them. Kids think deeply about things, and it’s cool to see their minds develop

  4. They are fun, and much easier to entertain and get along with than adults.

    I bought some GI Joe face paint after halloween and water balloons and we had a water balloon war. Kids love that stuff. It’s a lot harder to get adults to play along with stuff like that. You can just be silly and they will remember forever.

  5. Everything, but especially their curiosity

    That’s why I’m a future elementary school teacher 🙂

  6. I need to make a distinction;

    I love my children! They are bright, funny, responsible, and thoughtful…I am so proud of them, they are more than I deserve!

    Other people’s kids? Keep them the F away from me! I can’t stand most other people’s kids! 😂

  7. Their enthusiasm over new-to-them things.

    “Whoa this is SO COOL I get to wash the car all by myself? This is AMAZING!”

    “I get to load the dishwasher? All by myself? This is so cool look at all those buttons and controls, I love dishwashers!”

  8. I like how uncorrupted they are. Sometimes when you go through so much, you forget that there are people who care capable of just living in the moment.

  9. Their innocence and joy for the things that seem trivial for me now as an adult. In a way they bring me back to my childhood days…

  10. have you ever played a song for a friend that they’ve never heard and they decide it’s their new favorite song? everything is like that with kids. “check out this movie!”, “check out this song!”, “smell this!” – kids are full of wonder and excitement just waiting for you to give them a reason. Being with kids makes me feel young. I re-live all my favorite things with them.

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