Me and 11 other old high school friends have been in the same fantasy football league for the past 12 years. We have 3 group chats that we talk with each other daily, since graduating high school, on different social media sites to share memes, breaking news, funny stories, pictures, etc.

This past weekend one of the members had a wedding at a very prestigious venue with hundreds of guests, including the 10 other members of our group. I’ve been seeing pictures all over social media and in our group chat of the wedding and it looks like they had a really great time. It honestly kinda hurt because I thought we were better friends than some of the people he invited. This is the 5th wedding from our group and I haven’t been invited to a single one. There are also many birthday wishes, in our group chat, that get acknowledged throughout the year but mine never does.

Am I wrong for feeling resentment over constantly getting left out? I don’t have many friends so I really don’t want to cut them out

  1. > This is the 5th wedding from our group and I haven’t been invited to a single one

    Sorry bro. That sucks. 5 can’t be accidental. You can either accept a continuation as your outsider status, or you can move on… again, I am sorry.

    Do you really want to be friends with a group that has collectively decided to exclude you?

  2. You need better friends. I’d find another fantasy football league at this point. Maybe get one together at your workplace if they don’t already have one?

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