My girlfriend and I are both in our 20s and we have been dating for about 5 months. We have made out a lot and haven’t done anything sexual yet, but I am really wanting to start a little. She LOVES neck kisses and
even moans a little when I kiss her there. Whenever we cuddle and she is wearing her pajamas, it turns me on so much when she isn’t wearing a bra and her back is just bare when I caress her there. How bad would it be if I slowly started taking my hands towards her breasts and started stroking her nipples? Would this be okay?

  1. Just go for it and see how her body responds, but never force yourself on her. Most girls love when their guy takes the initiative.

  2. Ask her. My girlfriend says she’s loved it when I asked permission to kiss her early in our relationship. She said it set me apart from the rest. So I say, ask.

  3. After 5 months, i would start to worried about her seeking elsewhere. BUT, the way you describe it I see that she maybe waiting for that moment to happen for a long time. So it the time to talk to her about your desire. When you are kissing her around her neck, you may whisper some desire and be attentive to her reaction.

  4. Asking for consent is sexy too, it also can end up with you both having a conversation about any future shenanigans!

  5. Honestly just ask her. It doesn’t ruin the moment. In fact it will heighten it because a)she will want it and the fact that you respect her enough to ensure she consents is a turn on or b) she’s not ready but now she knows how much you respect her consent and it makes her respect you more (points earned levelled up haha). Good luck!

  6. Last time I asked a girl if I could kiss her, she backed off and said “don’t ask me” in a warning tone, raising her pitch and tucking her chin as she spoke.

    It’s hard to know what to do—women are individuals and ultimately need to be treated individually.

    One suggestion would be to verbalize your feelings and desires and see her response. Just say that you want to touch her because she turns you on so much; don’t ask anything. Say it in a deep, quiet voice concordat with the energy of the moment as if it’s your body talking, not some anxious boy. If she smirks, smiles, or moves closer to you then that’s a good sign.

    Also, you said she loves when you kiss her neck. That’s the case with most women IME, but don’t stop there. Kiss her shoulders, her upper back, her belly. Make her tempted to be closer to you.

    Don’t ever try to reason to create sexual energy. All reason and logic does is kill the tension.

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