Hi guys, I’m a 22 year old dude that has poor social skills, especially with girls since I have zero dating experience. Furthermore I consistently try to practice my social skills to improve, but should I wait to date until I get better at talking to people and feel confident or should I just date for the experience?

  1. Keep practicing. Let them come to you. Don’t try too hard. Keep socializing and polishing your ability to be cool. Observe others you want to emulate.

  2. I am 22 with very little dating experience as well. Honestly I’d say try out dating apps, its a low stakes way to practice social skills while also maybe getting a few dates out of it. Dont just date for the experience date because you want to have some sort of relationship with another person. Good luck!

  3. Find a friend you already have (male or female), tell them you want to practice dating and ask if they would be willing to go for coffee as friends…. When you get comfortable doing that you can start asking people you are attracted to on the same “Would you like to go for a coffee with me?” thing… Once you start that you can start to actually ask more serious questions and hold more serious conversations over time. Do not start out asking stupid questions like “what would it take to get you into bed?”… in fact never ask that type of question. Oh don’t use dating apps to practice those only work if you are confident about everything you do.

  4. It’s a pretty good question.
    Realistically speaking, in your shoes I would both practice more with people I’m not attracted to *and* try getting to know some girls I’m attracted to.
    Reality is that some of the girls you are attracted to won’t have much interest in you as of now (if at all, like as a friend for example) because you don’t yet possess the ability to pique their interest. So imagine a specific girl you like and decide for yourself whether you wanna take your chances now and likely get rejected or whether you wanna try later on when your confidence and social skills have improved significantly to the point that it makes you attractive and interesting in her eyes from the first impression on.

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