I’m a 20 yo college student, still confused on what I like what I don’t, I don’t have any passion, hobbies or goal’s in life.

My main goal is to make money and retire early that’s it, I took computer science because it pay’s alot, I started I business to make money which failed during covid, all the thing’s I’ve done felt forced because my main goal was alway’s making money.

I’ve tried a lot if thing’s but found nothing I was passionate about or loved doing, I just sit in my room all day overthinking, day dreaming and procrastinating, about my life if I had a lot of money.

I have no friend’s or a social circle, I alway’s chose to stay alone, I’d like to make friend’s but my social anxiety doesn’t allow me to, I suffer from serious anxiety as well, some time’s I just sit and cry for no reason.

I’m failing my exam’s becuase I’m wasting time procrastinating instead of studying, I have no passion for the thing’s I doing right now, I don’t even know what my passion is, I alway’s wanted to be a Youtuber or a content creator but found editing or the process of making video’s really boring.

I don’t want to take the hard way I want it all served to me on a plate, I’m really willing to turn my life around, explore thing’s, make friend’s, try to find thing’s I’m passionate about.

But I dont really know where to start or what to do?

1 comment
  1. A goal without any execution is just a dream. You have goals set up for yourself, but you need to execute. You know what it takes to get good grades: studying, not procrastinating. You know what it takes to make friends: going out and talking to people, not staying secluded in your room. Execution is execution. It does not care about your feelings. You have to execute it no matter how hard or tough it is. Chase excellence.

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