So I started uni this year and got off to a much better start than I expected. When I was at school I had 2 friends and I was never able to talk to anyone else but during these past few weeks I’ve gotten to meet so many people that I’ve honestly surprised myself.

My issue is clubs I hate them but everyone goes to them.
People keep asking me to go out to them but every time I go I’m just standing awkwardly not knowing what to do no matter how drunk I am.

I can’t dance or sing and I mean that I literally can’t force myself to even if I’m alone (I’ve tried) and I keep making up bs excuses as to why I’m not going out (like going to the gym late at night). Ever since I started skipping club nights people have seemingly gotten distant and I feel like I’m regressing back to what I was like during school.

So what I’m asking is, are there any tips on how to make the club more enjoyable when I don’t dance?

  1. Personally, I don’t like clubs either. And if my friends know that, they wouldnt try to force me to go. They would either try to do some other activity with me, or I would have to set up an activity I think we would like to do that would make me feel less awkward.

    I like having baking parties with my friends, put on a movie and bake, afterwards we’d have snacks dnd everyone would leave with some sweet treat.

    Sometimes I’d do board game nights. We’d get together, maybe watch a popular show, play board games for 1-3 hours, then depart.

    If all your friends are clubs people, and you don’t enjoy clubs, try to suggest something else.

  2. Yes, a few ways:

    1) take some dance classes or just look up on YouTube

    2) just dance the way you want to. If you think people dance without thinking about it and it just comes naturally – not so. Unless it’s someone with years of practice/dancing, everyone thinks about how they dance. Once in a club and dancing people don’t really care how others dance. Do your thing and enjoy yourself.

    3) don’t distance yourself from friends. In fact, tell the girls in the group – hey, i’m not much of a dancer, how about you help me get comfortable on the dancefloor? 🙂

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