So I’ll start out, yeah Facebook lol. This particular girl and I are mutuals on there, and I forget who added who first (but I’m somewhat certain that she added me). Now this girl and I had gone to high school together, but during so we never interacted or even knew each other. Again, no clue how we ended up friends on Facebook.

But this girl is really attractive and seems nice, and when I noticed her profile again I’m somewhat interested in reaching out. Yet no clue how cause I could add her via Instagram but I don’t want to seem like a creep and searching around for her around social media platforms. Like do I message her through messenger or something like that? If so, what would y’all suggest that I say to immediately guide the convo off of Facebook?

Obviously, this isn’t the biggest deal but I don’t want to miss out on an opportunity yk? Oh, also she goes to college in state not that far from where I’m at, or that far from the colleges I’m planning on possibly transferring to in the spring.

1 comment
  1. >but I don’t want to seem like a creep and searching around for her around social media platforms

    There’s no way you won’t come off as a creep in this scenario besides not messaging this girl.

    She doesn’t know who you are at all, she probably just spam/randomly added you to have more people on her friends list. I’ve seen people do this btw.

    What do you think she believe? She’ll probably ask, who this weirdo DMing me is. She might even screenshot your attempts and send it to her friends which might end up ridiculing you for your (in your opinion) good intentions.

    Remember that, what is posted on the internet stays there so I wouldn’t do this if I were you.

    It’s way too risky

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