As an 18M freshman in college who didn’t come in with a gf from high school and has overall very little experience with girls am I already too far behind? I have a great friend group and since coming to college I’ve been more social than ever. However there’s really not any girls in our friend group, and most of the dudes in it already have gf’s from hs who they are very committed to. They’re also not too big into things like parties so we hadn’t attended any yet but they said their opening to attending a few in the future. But I’m just confused how people actually get gf’s. Im quite good looking I get that from my friends who seem to agree I’m the best looking dude in the group even though I heavily disagree. Im forcing myself to be more social. I go to the gym everyday and have a great body. I have really pushed myself to build a big social circle since coming to college and I have! My confidence is also much better, although I’m still a little insecure. Im a cs major and there’s very few girls in my classes and not any I’m interested in. I see some girls regularly in my lounge and lots of them are cute, but it’s not like I could just approach them since we really don’t know each other. Im confused how my friends here at college make no effort whatsoever to put themselves out there yet all have girlfriends from high school.

I also have pretty severe social anxiety but that’s improved a bit since coming to college.

My dads also starting to worry about me and keeps bugging me about it.

What more should I be doing exactly ?

  1. Focus on pursuing goals and hobbies, while interacting with other people on the side in real life. Chase excellence, not women.

  2. It depends on like what kind of gf you want. You just need to have an interesting life and girls will want to insert themself into your life. From my experience most girls in there 20s like drugs and traveling.

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