For context, I’m 20M and a junior in college.

There’s a girl in one of my classes who I’ve been sitting next to and talking to for a few weeks now. I’m interested in her, and I think she might be into me too. I’d like to ask her out soon, but I’m not sure the best way to go about it.

I was thinking about asking if she wants to study together since we have our midterm exam next Tuesday, but I don’t want to send the wrong message that I’m not interested in her romantically. Would it be better to just ask her out tomorrow on an actual date? Or should I ask her to study together, and if that goes well and we get along, ask her out afterwards?

Tl;dr should I ask a girl I like to study together and then ask her out on a date afterwards if it goes well, or should I just ask her out straight away?

  1. I think your second idea is best. Ask her to study and see how that goes. You can be a little flirty but not too flirty if it’s going well. Asking her out right before exams might not be the best idea.

  2. Ask her on a DATE if you want to DATE her. If you dont make that intention clear then dont be surprised when she has no interest in DATING you. I see this all the time, “Oh ill ask her on a non date, but hope that it turns into a date.” That wont happen, what will happen is that she will think she made a cool new guy friend, and then when you hit on her she’ll see you as just another guy only trying to fuck. When you ask her on a clear date, then your flirting isn’t a disappointing shock, its a welcome expectation. Ask her on a date ass date.

  3. You should just study with her and that’s it.

    I don’t see the insistence of asking her out, she probably doesn’t want to date more than likely.

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