I have just started at a new college and have met this girl in my class. We did not talk much the first couple of weeks but now we seem to be more and more friendly, but I want to see if she likes me as a friend or more than that.

We sit next to each other in class (when nobody decides to sit next to me before she arrives), we talk during class about the subject matter etc but nothing personal really. I have no idea if she has a BF.

We have spoken a bit on text, I wanted some help with a project and she was on the committee so I asked her about it. She was really nice and helped me a lot and sent me a lot of help (long messages and quite a few) just trying to help me and then wished me good luck.

I have been nice to girls before but it does not mean I like them in that way I was just being nice, she could just be a really nice girl and doing the same to me.

She laughs at my jokes even if they were not really meant to be jokes or that funny.

However, I have thought about asking her out but I know that if I do there are a few possible things that might happen:

1. she says no for whatever reason (then class is really awkard for the rest of the year)
2. She says yes and we go but one of us doesn’t have a good time or one feels a connection but the other does not (then class is really awkard for the rest of the year)
3. We have a great time and date for a bit but then break up (then class is really awkard for the rest of the year)
4. We have a great time and date until the end of the year at least.

Only one of those options has class not being awkard for the next 6 months and it is very unlikely.

Would she not find an excuse to text me or follow me on socials if she liked me?. I know that most girls do not though and the balls in my court then as a result. Which is fine but I am just not sure.

BTW we have each other’s numbers from making a class GC but we do not follow each other on social media, she followers some of the girls and I some of the guys in the class but we don’t follow each other. If that makes a difference.

Any advice would be great.

Thank you for reading this far.

TLDR; I like this girl in my class but I do not know if she likes me and the year only just started so might be a bad idea to get into something now.

  1. Shit or get off the pot. Shoot your shot or lay it to rest. If you are that worried about things becoming awkward I wouldn’t even bother.

  2. You’re over thinking. Have some self confidence. The reality is any reasonably attractive F on a college campus for sure talks to other guys and/or has other guys interested. You can certainly wait it out however don’t get too disappointed if she out with another dude next weekend. The other risk you run is getting friendzoned. She may think you’re not interested and you become that “nice guy in my class”. Don’t want that.

    Ask her out sooner rather than later.

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