I 44F have sex almost every day and can easily cum with oral or during sex if there is clitoral stimulation. However, I have never been able to cum when someone touched me with just their hands.

I can personally masturbate and cum in under a minute. It’s not the hands that are a problem. It’s someone else’s hands.

Well, last night my husband (M45)said he was determined to make it happened and didn’t care how long it would take. He ensured me it didn’t matter how long and that I shouldn’t worry. For me to not get caught up with the time. Typically, I would rush him into sex because I felt bad that I couldn’t orgasm fast.

I took a while. I am not going to lie. I had it and didn’t have it like three times. It wasn’t easy but it happened. I’ve been with him for over 20 years and we had a first!

We’ve done everything under the sun. But I just couldn’t get this checkbox marked.

I needed to relax and he needed to reassure me he was ok with the timing.

If you struggle with orgasming through oral or manual stimulation, have this conversation and get out of your own head. I don’t know why one act was so much harder than the rest?? But that is (was) life.

Maybe you are like me – worried that you are a burden. Once I heard I wasn’t, I was able to get a little selfish, relax, and release.

  1. I am like that with oral. I enjoy it so much but it takes a very long time exceotnwith a few individuals who just happen to have a compatible style

  2. Omg I have this exact problem! So glad to read I’m not the only one. And congrats on getting there finally!

  3. Thats me. I can get there w a partner but it takes forever and im embarrassed about it

  4. Well that’s great commitment that you stay with your boy I know I had a simple problem too my ex-wife couldn’t made me come as much. So I totally get what you’re saying it can affect our marriage
    But I glad your husband is determine

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