So I hear people say all the time that when a girl makes eye contact and smiles that she’s just being polite/friendly and it’s not an indicator of interest. but I have noticed that few girls, even the ones I’m friends with/work with smile at me. Maybe I just give off that vibe? What are your thoughts on this? Late 20s if that matters

  1. I wouldn’t read into it.

    I smile (like a dumbass) sometimes because I just remembered something from earlier or because I’m genuinely happy for whatever the reason may be. I even bust out laughing sometimes if I remembered something funny.

    Keep a look out for other indicators.

  2. It depends on the context and quality of the eye contact. It’s one of those things you have to use your intuition for, especially in an office setting since people will be polite.

    If you catch them looking at you with some frequency, then they’re probably admiring you. If they make eye contact because they’re greeting you, then it’s less likely to be interest.

    If you get eye contact and a smile from a stranger out in public, then that is very likely a sign of attraction.

    Sometimes you have to rely on your gut and just go with it.

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