So I’ve (M18) been speaking with this girl who is slightly older than me for the last couple weeks, I really like her but don’t have any experience with relationships so I’m winging it

She was the one who initially approached me to dance at a club and since then we have been speaking together on nights out. I have been pushing myself way out of my comfort zone to walk up to her and speak her, ask for her number, playfully returning contact on the shoulder etc. without trying to be too pushy

She seems interested as I picked up on clues like her being comfortable when close to me, making lots of eye contact, resting her head on my shoulder, tugging on my shirt, squeezing my biceps. But at the same time I think she has a fairly flirtatious personality and speaks to a few guys so I am unsure whether she is just being friendly

This girl is so beautiful and has such a fun personality I really need some advice about how to gauge how she feels about me directly and how to advance our relationship

Thanks in advance!

  1. Shoot your shot and ask her for a date. Make sure you say date, not hang out! It’s possible she likes you, so why but just go for it?

  2. She approached you. Women rarely do that, and don’t do it at all unless they are interested.

  3. Treat her like any other girl and you’ll be gold. Don’t put her on a pedastal and treat her like a celebrity. Treat her like a celebrity, she’ll treat you like a fan.

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