Would you ghost a girl after dating for half a year, but continue to follow her on socials? If so, why?

  1. How do you “ghost” someone after dating for 6 months? Sorry, but I’d be at their door step demanding an explanation. Or just making sure they’re not dead.


  2. lmao never that sounds like a recipe for disaster. im like 99% sure if I tried to GHOST someone after 6 months of being in a relationship, they’d show up at my house banging on the door, show up at my job looking for me, harass my friends asking what my deal is, tell everyone we know that im a piece of shit, and probably slash my tires if i still wouldn’t talk to them.

  3. WTF? After 6 months just dissapear? I’d call the cops and report a missing person if someone I was dating for 6 months just dissapeared.

  4. Of course not. It’s been 6 months. Have the common decency to break up with them.

  5. I guess worst case pure curiosity. He just might be wondering if youre still single, what youre up to for no reason other than why not.

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