Ive always been a bad reader of if girls are really into me. I personally feel like I grew up kinda ugly and glowed up as I reached middle of college. Friends would always tell me certain girls behaviors around me meant they liked me; but I just thought the girls were just being nice/overly friendly. My friends were adamantly not convinced.

Here are 5 instances when I was out at the bar/nightclub and felt slightly that girls were trying to get at me; but again I am not fully sure.

1.) Went out to a bar/nightclub with my one buddy. We ordered drinks and were standing around vybing to music. I peeped some girls all the way to the bar area who had slowly moved closer to me and my boy. In enough time they were standing pretty close to us; close enough to dance.

I didnt make a move or say anything to them on the off chance they moved close to us just because there was more space in that area for them to enjoy dance and enjoy their night. (What should I have even said to them?)

2.) Another time me and my friend were out at a bar in DC. We were standing at one side of the table. As we were standing vybing and chilling there were two seats at the same table we were standing at. Two girls eventually sat down next to us. They sat there using their phones and looking up at each other periodically. Me and my friend didnt say anything to them because again we dont want to hit on/feel like were harrasing girls who just want to enjoy their night. Did they sit down at our table bc they wanted us to talk to them? When I talked to my boy after the situation he said it could be either they wanted to just enjoy their night and not be bothered or they wanted us to talk to them. It could be 50/50. I personally had no idea either way.

3.) Went out to a bar with a friend and his group of high school friends. (Mix of girls and guys). One girl Id met before I started talking to as soon as she walked in. (I knew her from meeting her a couple years back.) We stroked up convo and eventually ended up sitting next to each other at the hookah lounge the entire night and stroke up some convo regarding astrology signs.

She had a blunt on her and asked if I wanted to go outside to smoke with her. I said sure and we left the other group of friends to go smoke and chat outside; which we did for like 15 mins before we went back in.

Was her inviting me outside to smoke with her an indication she liked me/wanted to make a move on her? Couldnt tell which is why I thought the best thing was to just keep talking to her about diff topics until she asked to go back in.

4.) Was at a party and saw an old female acquaintance from college. She was chatting me up the whole night; and asked the next time I was in the city for me to hit her up. My boy also said it looked like she was talking to me mad hard.

5.) Was at a cookout with my friend and one of his girl friends kept talking to me the entire time. She was going on a trip to Aruba in just a month and jokingly kept asking me to join them on the trip to which I jokingly rejected for financial reasons. As I was just about to leave she asked me for my instagram. (Cant tell if she’s into me just off an instagram)

Can anyone give some insights into any one or all of these particular situations and whether the girl actually liked me or was just being friendly. And how I could improve/react differently in each situation to actually connect or link up with the girl after.

1 comment
  1. >1.) Went out to a bar/nightclub with my one buddy. We ordered drinks and were standing around vybing to music. I peeped some girls all the way to the bar area who had slowly moved closer to me and my boy. In enough time they were standing pretty close to us; close enough to dance.

    >I didnt make a move or say anything to them on the off chance they moved close to us just because there was more space in that area for them to enjoy dance and enjoy their night. (What should I have even said to them?)

    Honestly, this doesn’t seem like they were interested in you. Perhaps they just wanted to be in that specific area to dance since that’s maybe where they’re most comfortable dancing at.

    >2.) Another time me and my friend were out at a bar in DC. We were standing at one side of the table. As we were standing vybing and chilling there were two seats at the same table we were standing at. Two girls eventually sat down next to us. They sat there using their phones and looking up at each other periodically. Me and my friend didnt say anything to them because again we dont want to hit on/feel like were harrasing girls who just want to enjoy their night. Did they sit down at our table bc they wanted us to talk to them? When I talked to my boy after the situation he said it could be either they wanted to just enjoy their night and not be bothered or they wanted us to talk to them. It could be 50/50. I personally had no idea either way.

    It seems like they just wanted to enjoy their night and not be bothered. Women don’t generally want to be hit on out in bars anymore since they mostly consider that harassment now and as you can tell, they were two friends together so they were probably just trying to enjoy their night.

    >3.) Went out to a bar with a friend and his group of high school friends. (Mix of girls and guys). One girl Id met before I started talking to as soon as she walked in. (I knew her from meeting her a couple years back.) We stroked up convo and eventually ended up sitting next to each other at the hookah lounge the entire night and stroke up some convo regarding astrology signs.

    >She had a blunt on her and asked if I wanted to go outside to smoke with her. I said sure and we left the other group of friends to go smoke and chat outside; which we did for like 15 mins before we went back in.

    >Was her inviting me outside to smoke with her an indication she liked me/wanted to make a move on her? Couldnt tell which is why I thought the best thing was to just keep talking to her about diff topics until she asked to go back in.

    No, her telling you to smoke outside was probably just because she wanted to talk more indepth about whatever conversation you guys were having. It wasn’t an invitation for anything else.

    >Was at a party and saw an old female acquaintance from college. She was chatting me up the whole night; and asked the next time I was in the city for me to hit her up. My boy also said it looked like she was talking to me mad hard.

    Well friends like to hype each other up, but observing closely she just thinks you’re a good friend and wants to hang out with you as friends again.

    >5.) Was at a cookout with my friend and one of his girl friends kept talking to me the entire time. She was going on a trip to Aruba in just a month and jokingly kept asking me to join them on the trip to which I jokingly rejected for financial reasons. As I was just about to leave she asked me for my instagram. (Cant tell if she’s into me just off an instagram)

    Same thing as girl from the previous scenario, she just saw you as a good friend and wanted to keep in touch still and perhaps even invite you with her other friends when they all go out.

    Again, she wasn’t making a move.

    >Can anyone give some insights into any one or all of these particular situations and whether the girl actually liked me or was just being friendly. And how I could improve/react differently in each situation to actually connect or link up with the girl after.

    It seems that in all of these scenarios, the girls were just being friendly. You didn’t do anything wrong per se, but the issue you seem to have is you keep thinking girls simply having a friendly hang out with you is them hitting on you or making a move on you when it’s not the case.

    Our male brains sometimes like to come up with justifications that a certain girl is interested in us when it’s objectively not true. That seems to have been the case with you in these scenarios.

    Good job making friends though

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