Back in late June, I 24m, suffered from what was essentially a mental breakdown. I won’t go into the specifics of the cause of my breakdown, but it related to losing loved ones and trauma that happened to me.

I had a group of discord friends all around 20M, and we have played games together everyday for almost 8 years. 2 of my friends were mad at the way I was acting, during the early signs of my breakdown, and they removed me from the discord. The others stayed my friends, and kept in contact with me.

Over the course of a month, my mental health declined rapidly, to the point I was extremely suicidal. The friends who stayed tried to help, but I didn’t listen to a lot of their advice. Eventually at the height of my breakdown I remember driving and saying I was going to take my life. They managed to stop me and talk me down, and the next day I sought profession help.

My friends said they still wanted to be my friend, but understandably wanted space from me and thought i needed time to work on my mental health. That was in early August, and since then I’ve had regular therapy appointments and prescription medicine. I am a lot better, although I still need therapy and medicine.

The problem arose recently. I reached out to those friends, after they had been ignoring my messages. After being ignored, i sent a message asking if they still wanted to be my friend, and that I understand if they didn’t. My messages again were left ignored, so I contacted them one last time, told them I was thankful for getting me the help I needed, but it was clear that they did not want me in their lives, I was going to remove them, but if they ever wanted to reconnect the door was open.

Now I am being told that they are upset about being unadded. One of them said “If we ignored your message then we obviously needed more time. You shouldn’t have unadded us.” They are holding me being suicidal over my head, and are saying that it’s disgusting that I threatened to end my life.

A mutual friend agrees with what i did, I gave them the chance to connect and i was ignored. Is what I did wrong? Should I have kept them added while they ignored me and wait for them to come to me?


Friends are upset I unadded them even though I asked them if they wanted to be friends and I was ignored, and are holding my mental breakdown over my head.

1 comment
  1. Friends shouldn’t act like that after one of their friends has tried to commit suicide. They should be offering support and an open door to conversation not ignoring you.

    Hard as it may be walk away from these friends and try and find new ones.

    I’m glad to read that you’re a lot better, I hope you continue to improve.

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